Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Ambidextrous Challenge

Soooo here's the situation. Need to push to Disappear to any degree over the coming week. Haven't biked now in several days, and am jam-packed with editing work for about the next two and a half months (yay!)

So - technically there's not time enough to do all that needs to be done. In addition to which, d hasn't seen me for an evening this week - Monday was London, Tuesday was choir committee, tonight was a movie with Phil the Kiwi before he bogs off back home, followewd immediately by choir practice. And tomorrow is the movies again, this time with Lee for a filmed presentation of a play about British politics in 1974. Was invited to go and see The Great Gatsby on Friday with Rebecca too, but frankly need a night off from this hectic social whirl. The reality that I actually need it to work in is neither here nor there. I think the best strategy is to learn to edit on four different machines, with one limb working on a project on each. PC, Laptop,  netbook and iPad...surely that could work?

However,  in terms of the Disappearing, there's an altogether more realistic strategy. You  remember I said I got the list of classes from the leisure centre on Tuesday? Welllll technically, there's a spin classes tomorrow morning that I could go to. Time to get a bit serious and severe and sweaty, maybe? Maybe. Certainly, something must be done.

Whether going back to spin classes is the thing that must be done is a whole other question...which won't really be decided till I stumble out of my pit in the morning and see whether I have that level of masochism in me on a Thursday morning.

Let's see, shall we?

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