Monday 12 October 2015

Ever Increasing Circles

Yes, yes, I know, I'm like a drunk-ass boyfriend - you only hear from me when I need something from you, then I'm off, doing my thing, 'being busy,' leaving you to raise the young 'uns.

I'm back. Y'know you love me, darlin'...

Reason I'm back is a) I have about three minutes in which to BE back, and b) I'm way out of control again. Since finishing Draft 3 of my novel, I've been on a bit of a celebratory bender, with the result that I find myself more than half a stone higher than I was before I finished it, with the work to do all over again. Fun fun fun. Proper weigh-in tomorrow, but it's likely to be shocking.

So this morning, I started back to my walking schtick. Only six times round the local Thomastown Park, but the thing about Thomastown is it's like one of those omni-trainers - it's basically like a sort of sculpted garden version of a crop circle - circles on circles, some flat and small, some large and up and down hill. Six time round means three easy, three hard, just about two miles in total, 300 calories burned. Big whoop, I know, but it's a start when I haven't been doing anything much for weeks. Now if I can manage to get through the day without eating everything and dessert on top, that'd be a bonus. Usual stuff - clothes aren't fitting right, finding it harder to do simple things, have to knuckle down yadda yadda yadda. So have made a start. A tiny, barely perceptible start. Gonna try and keep this up for the whole of this first week, 7am starts, walking increasing numbers of circles - adding one easy and one hard per day, which should mean fourteen circles by Friday. If six equate to 2 miles, then fourteen should be 4-5 miles. Should be a good re-introduction for the muscles and lungs, and get me back up to speed for proper six milers next week.

Must not eat everything, must not eat everything, must not eat every goddamn double-frosted thing int he wooooooorld!