Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Year of Living Beeblebrox



I haven't been around here for a while, I know.

Thing is, this blog's been kind of...well if not retired, then at least vaguely superseded.

By this blog - The Year of Living Beeblebrox

Basically, the idea is that since I've now turned 42, my friend Sian and I are going to do 42 new, exciting, or downright stupid things...just to mark the year. One of those in my case is still "lose four stone"!

Things have been going staggeringly badly in Disappearing terms in recent weeks, has to be said. Weighed in this morning at an unconscionable 18 stone 2.25. Unff.

But have just tweaked my goal, so that it's "lose 4 stone 3 pounds by 22nd October 2014 (my 43rd birthday). This would actually put me about half a stone lighter than I've been at any point during the Disappearing. As I have a bunch of followers at this blog (thank you, thank you, thank you one and all...) and, for reasons that will become quickly obvious, abbbbsolutely no bugger's following the new blog, figured it made sense to give a hearty "What Ho!" over here, and ask you, if you want to know how the Disappearing continues, to come and follow me over at the Beeblebrox blog instead.

Thanks folks!