Tuesday 17 September 2013

The Post-Vacational Weigh-In

So...yeah, OK, went from one place - Torquay - famed for its fish and chips and its cream teas - to another place - York - famed for its tea shops and...apparently, its fish and chips. Had the kind of time that takes a few blogs to describe, and will describe it over the next few entries, but tonight, don't have time to mess about.

Big news - yesterday d and I moved the exercise bike back into the office, and today I biked for the first time in about a month or more.

Which was just as well, as the weigh-in showed me at 17st 7.25 - back to about the half-way point of progress.

Tides must now be turned. Discipline reinstated. Bikes re-pedalled, and pounds, and ultimately stones, re-lost. And to it we go...More on the week away tomorrow - expect more regular blogs again too; seems to have been a fundamental bit of the discipline process.

Sunday 8 September 2013

The Parrot of Invisibility

No, no, no, no, no...
This is not an ex-blog. It has not ceased to be. It may have ceased to be interesting, but that's another matter entirely.

Just deadlines. Work and deadlines and more deadline, with a cheery of work on top.

Weigh-in last Tuesday was disappointing - 17st 3.75. Humph.

Now I'm off, probably for a week without net access, and certainly for a wekk without Nazi Scales - first in Torquay...as ya do...and then in York...as you probably don't, as it seems to be twinned with the Middle of Bleedin' Nowhere...

Haven't really started again. Have tried. Have failed. Got a week away from my normal routines. Oddly enough, might be just what's needed at the moment; have a feeling my normal routines have got a bit abnormal.

Also of course, just to add a note of crushing sombreness - a year tomorrow, my dad died. Getting out of Dodge is probably a good thing on that front too. Catch you on the flipside, Disappearers!