Monday 30 April 2012

The Leaps And Bounds of The Ex-Polar Bear

“Brr,” I muttered at Ugh o’clock. It was cold and pouring with icy sleet in our little Welsh jewel-box maisonette. I shivered around the place, getting quickly into layer after layer and doing final preparations for a day in London. When I popped back upstairs to say goodbye to d, she kissed me sleepily.
“You’re wearing your raincoat, right?” she drowsed.
“In the coat pocket,” I assured her. “And another pair in the bag.”
“Scarf?” she suggested.
“Don’t push it,” I said, grinning and stealing another sleepy, full-bodied kiss before heading out the door.

I’ve never worn this many clothes in my life, I swear. Then again, I’ve never been this cold in my life either. I get cold feet (in the purely physical sense) because of what is probably encroaching diabetic neuropathy, but somewhere along this Disappearing journey, somebody’s been buggering about with my thermostat, and it’s not bloody funny!

When we married, d nicknamed me Thermoboy because she was always cold, and I was always radiating ridiculous amounts of heat. There’s a line in Dylan Thomas’s “Under Milk Wood”, where a draper is wooing a groceress, and he entreats her to “Throw away your little bedsocks and your Welsh wool knitted jacket. I will warm the sheets like an electric toaster. I shall lie by your side like a Sunday roast...”

That was me – I was Sunday Roast Guy. I was ToasterBelly. is simply not fair, as d has to sleep by the open window to keep from burning up all night, and I, poor, Disappearing wretch that I am, am huddled under about five blankets and duvet, often with a hot water bottle for the feet.

Of course, d likes to tell me it’s because I’m not a Polar Bear any more.
I always used to be able to go out in inclement weather in just a T-shirt and never feel the cold, and people would ask me how I could do. Being a fundamental smartass, I used to tell them I was built like a polar bear – layers of blubber and hair. Now...notsomuch. hence the wearing of more clothes in the last year than at any point in my personal history.

The only thing is...while Britain is a small island, it’s by no means meteorologically consistent. Pissing down, windy and ice-sleeting as it was in Merthyr, by the time I got to London, having been delayed at Swindon by flooding on the line, the Sun was high and strong, and I was contemplating giving my clothes away to a Big Issue salesman. He’d have been doing me a favour. I baked like Mr Potato Head under a black felt cowboy hat. I cooked like a rotisserie chicken in two layers and a raincoat. I stashed every glove I had into crevices in my pilot bag.  Needless to say, I lightened the load considerably the minute I hit the office.

The heat though does funny things to you. Having no alternative but to don at least the hat and sweater again on the journey home (bite me, we've gone from plastic bags in the office to paper ones that tear if you actually ahve the temerity to put stuff in them), I stood and chuntered with passengers at South Kensington station, as District Line after District line tube came and went, and we all ignored them, waiting for an increasingly mythical Circle Line train. Eventually, with just 40 minutes before I had to be in Paddington, some five stops away, and pulling out on a Cardiff-bound train, I decided to take a leaf out of d’s book and take matters into my own hands.

No I didn’t bludgeon a train guard to death and hijack a tube to Paddington. That would have been Plan B.
Instead, I bounded (oh yeah – d was amazed on Saturday when we caught the Avengers movie that I bound now – I’ve taken to bounding up and downstairs like a kind of pudgy doughball on those springy stilts that are all the rage in certain West End shows...) up to the ticket hall, and asked a member of staff whether there was a problem with the Circle Line.
“8 minutes,” he said.
I looked at the increasingly swarm-thick platform. We were all waiting for that train, which would undoubtedly already be full by the time it got to us.
“Bugger that for a game of soldiers,” I thought. There was a train going the other way in one minute. I got on it, got off one stop later, bounded up the stairs (it’s habit-forming, I swear), crossed platforms, waited one minute and got the Circle Line train going my way. When we arrived back at South Kensington, I made it my business to grin, smugly, at the poor schmucks who couldn’t get on. Sometimes, you just have to be smarter than the average bear if you want to get your train!

Mind you, the heat continued to affect me. At Paddington, I just had time to grab a Starbucks. I gave my order, swiped my card, waited for it to be served to me, took it to the buggering-about station, added some sweeteners, stirred like an obsessive-compulsive, added a dash of extra skimmed milk, put the top back on the to-go cup...and walked out.

It was only when I was downstairs, about to take my first refreshing sip, that the emptiness of my free hand occurred to me. I bounded back up the stairs, spotted my coffee still standing on the buggering-about station, grabbed it, tipped my hat to the Asian barista who was clutching her middle in paroxysms of mirth by the milk jugs, and bounded back down again.

Remember that flooding I mentioned earlier?
Still there at Swindon.
Meaning we were ten minutes late for most of the journey. I have a six-minute turn-around at Cardiff if everything goes right. You know, and I know, those numbers don’t add up. When they let us off the train, I did one final round of bounding (I’m thinking of renaming this blog The Disappearing Bounder), bounding down the stairs of Platform 2 and up the stairs at Platform 6, to bound, heroically, if a little bewilderingly, onto the Merthyr train just as the doors were closing.

When people are trying to encourage you to lose weight, they always say “You’ll be able to run for the bus!”, as though that’s a genuine incentive to a fat fuck.  Can I just say – fat fucks don’t want to run for the bus, and you’re welcome! It’s us you have to thank for the fact that there’ll be another freakin’ bus along any time now!

But this bounding lark...they should mention this bounding lark. They should tell you if you lose weight you’ll be able to catch a train you’d otherwise miss, and so get your lardy ass back on your couch where it belongs that much quicker. That my friends would be an incentive.

Now excuse me, this particular no-longer polar bear is off to do a few hours of hibernating before the morning walk...

Sunday 29 April 2012

Hell in a Handbasket

You ever lit a blue touchpaper and then stubbornly refused to retire? Or stood on a cliff and jumped up and down, daring the wind to fuck with you? In other words, have you ever done anything monumentally stupid, ever decided to go to Hell in a handbasket...just to see what would happen?

Today feels like that kind of day. With the Nazis going nuts, it feels like the kind of day to have a ginormous slut of an ice-cream sundae, as if to say to the universe at large "Hey you! Fuck you! Go ahead, do your worst, ya bastard, I've beaten you once, and I can beat you again, if I only raise my head and try!"

Not gonna actually do that of course, though I did have an early McDonalds breakfast today, by which I mean a proper McDonalds breakfast - a sausage and egg muffin, dammit! Then the day....erm...well then the day kinda got out of control, and I find myself vaguely shipwrecked on the other end of it, filled with a need to bike my increasingly-considerable (if the Nazis are to be believed) ass off, and a pure undiluted desire to do stupid but truly enjoyable shit.

It's days like this that leave you tempted to say "Y'know what? This was originally meant to be a one-year project, and it hasn't been right since the second year started, so maybe I should just declare it done at 5 or 5.5 stone."

But that doesn't really work, cos my objective then will not be met. I'm still at least four stone (or 56 pounds) overweight. I still qualify as obese, rather than simply overweight, and I still take some pills for my diabetes. So I have to press on, find a new rhythm...Hell, find an old rythm and bloody well stick to it, whatever the Hell works, and push on through.

Still, it feels like a Hell in a Handbasket day.

Wonder what we have in this house that I can eat that would be startlingly unwise...?

Oh very funny. I am not nibbling dishwashing tablets like after-dinner mints. Mmm...yoghurt? Yoghurt, I'm building a kind of weird construct in my head right now - crumbled weetabix, prunes, sliced bananas, yoghurt...A kind of Virgin Sundae...

Hey whaddaya want from me, my gran always said there was a Virgin who could save you from Hell, and at this point, I'm willing to give it a shot...

Mmmmmmmmcome to me, you entirely fucked-up creation, you...

Sigh...or there's the bike of course. Could just go and get on the bike, have a sweaty cold-shower to get through the moment...
Anybody got a coin I can toss. Ah, thanks...


Best out of three?

Saturday 28 April 2012

Call Me

A dreadful day, in Disappearing terms, of which I find it impossible to regret a moment.

We slept in today, refusing to traipse out and do the swim-gym thing. That means we'll have to add another week to out 16 week trial...think this brings us to 18 weeks. We'll deal.

Figured I could always do some biking...but, as it turns out, simply haven't.

Ended up upgrading a phone, to something altogether Smarter which I can use as the Business Phone. Except, being a Smartphone, it's had to have all sorts of Stuff added to it. And then, because I'm a human being, it had to have lots of Other Stuff added to it, which I could then hardly get away without trying...and trying...and trying some more...

In particular, there's a ghastly exposure of how crapulent I've always been at art zinging its way around the world even as I speak, thanks to the insidiously addictive Draw Something app...

It's really the first time I've ever been sure of downloading an 'app' at all, and I fear I rather let the delight of downloading get the better of me. To the extent that it's now hurtling towards midnight, I've done buggerall in the way of biking, and had to be dragged away from the phone in order to write this blog...

All in all, this week started well, descended into a little chaos, and then bimbled to a gorgeously happy but probably disastrously Disappearing finale. Let's see what Tuesday brings. I'm braced for bad, but not entirely prepared to admit the truth is as bad as the Nazi Scales yesterday told me it was. They told me, in fact, that I'd gained around 9 pounds over the space of two days. I mentioned this to Ma today as we went on a brief walk.
"Battery," she diagnosed. "Mine start giving me doolally results when the battery starts going..."

Sweet, of course, that she'd immediately leap to the defence of my 'goodness' on weeks that have been, at best, half-good, but maybe, just maybe, there's something in it.

Battery, riiight. Wonder what powers the Nazis...

Friday 27 April 2012

Smell The Sausage

I stood outside a chip shop today.

It was lunchtime, and I happend to be walking through the town, when I caught the whiff of vinegar and grease that is the unique olfactory signature of a British fish and chip shop. You have to be trained, pretty much from birth, to find this aroma even remotely attractive, because it is composed mainly of those two ingredients - hot, often slightly old, repeatedly re-used oil (animal fat for tradition, though more and more often in the last few decades, corn oil), with lashings of vinegar on the poor defenceless ingredients that are dunked in them, and a sprinkling of dancing, likely industrial-grade salt.

And I toyed with the idea of going in, of having what I think of as an 'Aristotelian Lunch' - which essentially means a pleasurable one I shouldn't have. But, with my heart almost breaking with want, I turned away and went home for beans on toast.

At which point, I'd like to say I hate you all, and the freedom you have to fill your faces. It's not a deep or meaningful loathing of course, it's pure undiluted envy.

Right now, I'm even managing to hate the food-sluttery of Nigella Lawson, who's making a Grasshopper Pie, lustily, breathing in my right lughole as I sit here, grinding my teeth.

Of course, I'm bitching from a base of pure hypocrisy - I went for a Chinese last night, and did the typical Valleys thing (as plate 3!) - of having rice, curry...and chips. I should say there's a distinct difference between Chinese chips and chip shop chips, but they're both glorious in their own way.

This is the kind of thing that helps explain a moment of terror from today. Before jumping on the bike, I caved, and jumped on the Nazis. That was a huuuuuuge mistake, and I'm now convinced that - even given last night - the Nazis are horribly, horribly playing with me.

I'm going away now to kick next door's cat. Or possibly deep-fry it.
One saviour tonight is Lee, who has invited me to go and see the Avengers Assemble movie at 8.30. Plenty of fried stuff at the movies of course, but none of it afforable without getting at least a first mortgage...

Here, kitty kitty...

Thursday 26 April 2012

Edged Out

Blood was 6.1 this morning (Oh, and meant to mention - the morning after the faux-Xenical flux capacitation of the filo pastry....thing, I ended up with blood of 7.3. So - let's not do that again...)

Today, I wrote a long-ish list of Stuff To Do. One of the first things on it was 'Do Some Biking.' But there seemed to be more urgent things on the list, so I attended to them first...then, at around 10.30, the list pretty much exploded.

It exploded because the postman pushed the latest Writing Magazine through my door.

I don't subscribe to Writing Magazine.

The only reason the postman would have posted a copy of it through my door is because I was in it.

Or rather, my business was in it. You remember, probably, that I'm starting a business, right? It'll strike plenty of you as ironic as Hell that I'm starting an editorial services business, given the quantity of typos in this blog, but hey - nobody's paying me to get this right!

Thing is, I figured I still had a few more days before the magazine hit the streets, so my website was dementedly unfinished when the magazine arrived...

The rest of the day pretty much got consumed in a pillar of the day-job (deadline day there too - no pressure!) and getting the business website to at least a vaguely presentable state. Which is the state it's in now.

So - at the risk of turning this blog into an advert - anything you've got to write, from a CV to a strongly worded letter, to a novel, to a website and eve, yes, a blog, give me a shout at, or check out the still-just-about-ready

The point, beyond the advertising spiel, is that my plans for a rational, reasonable day which included a certain amount of exercise blew up.

This will not happen tomorrow - walking in the morning, biking lunchtime, possibly biking in the evening too, dammit. I will not be edged out of my Disappearing routine for more than one day. Saturday we've got a double dose of activity - swimming and gyming - so I'm hoping one off day won't have too negative an impact on my week.

Of course, having gone out tonight for a Chinese buffet on the other hand...

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Diversion Therapy

Went to the pharmacy yesterday to see whether they had any Xenical in yet.
No, they don't. They did, however, say they now had a date for delivery of the Big Blue Pills of Digestive Disintegration - end of May. This was made rather ironic by the fact that, just in front of the pharmacy counter, there were racks of a commercial fat-magnet pill, which I could have bought perfectly easily - had I £65 to throw away.

Which I didn't.

However, I'm here to tell you - Filo Pastry cases, filled with chicken and bacon and leek (oh my!) in a cream sauce...
That'll invoke the Spirit of Xenical pretty damn effectively.

See - where else do you get these kinda tips?

Oh, and speaking of tips, I also spoke to the RigiScan people yesterday. It was all going swimmingly till I mentioned being a diabetic, and and taking pills for that. Thank you, game over, no penile girth-measuring for Tony.

Today, I did the whole double-Nazi thing - weighed before the five mile walk - 14 stone 12.25 (Hell, that's better than yesterday's pre-walk). After the walk, 14 st 10.25 - half a pound better than yesterday's post-walk. Go...freakin' figure - I'm done with the Nazis now till Tuesday.

Didn't do the gym an dswim double tonight though - I'm working to a deadline to get my business website running before the ads for it hit the writing something like five days. So that'll be d and I up and exercising at 8AM on Saturday morning, and that'll undoubtedly be me being a grumpy-assed bastard for most of the day.

All of this gibberish is of course mainly to take my mind off my dad...
Who's in London right now.

In a move that's got us all biting fingernails down to the quick, he's decided to go to a big Masonic do in the capital, away from us all, with some Masonic mates. He arrived yesterday, and has rung home both nights, far, touch a bleedin' sequoia, is doing OK. Tomorrow's his big day of business though. Not thinkin' about it...he's a grown-up...


La la la la laaaaaaa....

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Missing...Presumed Lost?

There are points, clearly, when the only sane, rational response to a situation is to shrug your shoulders and say "I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore..."

Today's one of those days.
Blood was 5.9 this morning, which was fine. Weighed in, and the initial result was 14 stone 12.75...
Which, although of course it's not terribly accurate, given that it follows a Monday, is still an honest pound lost from last Monday.
That felt good, given everything. And given the brightness of the morning, and the pound, I went for a five mile walk before work.
Came home, and frankly couldn't resist having another weigh. Had (in the interests of full disclosure), a brief and genuinely uninspiring pee before getting back on the scales, but trust me when I tell you that over the last year, I've made something of an exhaustive study of how much peeing it takes to move the scales the tiniest micrometre, or the faintest quarter-pound, and this was nowhere near enough to explain what happened next.

I got on the Nazi Scales, those generally unlovely, unloving evil bastard monitors of pressure.
"14 stone 9.75," they said.
"Fuck offff!" I muttered. "You're messin' with me..."
I tried again.
"Nnnnnotsomuch," they said. "Deal with it. 14 stone 9.75."
"But that's mad!" I said. "Just...I mean, just...mad!"
"I only work here, Herr Tony..."
"But...I mean...where the Hell have they gone?" I demanded.
"This, I do not know," said the scales. "I only weigh. You want to weigh more, carry something."

So somewhere, along the path of my walk, I'd lost three pounds...apparently.

In case you missed the subtlety of this point, this is completely mad!

I moved the scales and tried again. They sighed.
"What, you don't think we can do our job now?" they demanded, with an officious note of hurt. "14 stone 9.75."


I had breakfast, and a big mug of coffee, then snuck up on them when they were sleeping.
"Fine," they said. "Now you weigh 14 stone 11. Are you happy?"
I...sort of...wasn't, really. I want to lose the weight, trust me, but there's something entirely vexing about not being able to explain why you've lost the weight. Especially when you appear to have lost it in the space of an hour and a half.

Nevertheless, I'm guessing I have little alternative but to record the weight they showed me three times, and corroborated once.

So as of now, 14 stone 9.75 is the official weigh-in figure - a loss of four pounds since last week (three of them in mysterious circumstances).

Told my pal Mae about this (who, incidentally, has the same Nazi Scales, and views hers with deep suspicion too, despite their recent announcement that she'd lost her first stone on her own Disappearing journey (a stone is fourteen pounds, for any newcoming Americans. Kilos...sigh...I don't know).

"Maybe you lost some water on the walk," she mused.
"Three pounds of water?" I asked. "I mean, it was a lovely day and I walked quite fast, but I don't think I sweated away three pounds of water..."
"Meh," she said. "Then you've got to go with the idea that the Nazi Scales are just fucking with you. Wouldn't surprise me in the least," she added. "Bastards..."
She's right - mad as it sounds, it's still the most rational of all available theories.

I'm going to weigh again tomorrow, unofficially, to see what kind of mood they're in then, and then not till a week today, so if they're just doing it for attention, they can get the Hell over themselves...

Oh, and I guess, in the meantime - YAY! Just 2.25 pounds away from my six stone barrier!

Monday 23 April 2012

Peeking Round The Doorframe of Obsession

We’re all fairly well-apprised of the notion that I’m something of an addictive personality (although somehow that always sounds like bragging...), but the occasional Monday gives me a peek into what might be called the next level of obsessive behaviour.

Most Mondays, being the only day on which I now have access to Starbucks, it tends to be all I take in with any particular food value. This, in case you hadn’t caught it, is why Tuesday’s readings now tend to be artificially positive. But the thing is this – when I started doing this is was mainly because I wanted to get as much Starbucks into my system as possible in the course of a day, and I knew what they calorifically ‘cost’, so it became a simple equation – more coffee, less food. Most coffee, no food.

Now, it’s become a normal part of my London Mondays, and I’m getting the endorphin-reward of ‘good’ behaviour for what is clearly not a genuinely healthy behaviour pattern. What I mean is – I feel healthier on Mondays, just drinking coffee, than I do on other days when the more complex mathematics of protein and carbohydrate and exercise come into play. My rational brain of course knows this is bullshit – Man shall not live by de-caff skinny latte alone and all that. But the sensation feels genuine, and it’s like peeking around the doorframe of a properly fucked-up-in-the-other-direction relationship with food (or ‘being a woman,’ as the more satirical of you might think of it). Getting the reward of feeling healthy and eating nothing with any solidity, it becomes genuinely tempting to continue doing this, day after day after day.

Fortunately of course, I’m saved from such experimental curiosity by being surrounded by people who love me, and are prepared to tell me not to be such a dick, and have a sandwich. Without them, I daresay, I’d keep going on the starvation diet principle, just to see what would happen. It all comes back to that faintly insidious quote from Kate Moss of course – “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”. Still not sure how I feel about that quote, but just occasionally, on a Monday, it makes a kind of visceral sense that seems to beckon me on to unhealthy extremism.
Then Tuesday comes, and with it the inevitability of having to eat, and I go and get some bloody breakfast!

Blood was positive this morning – have meant to relay the fact that bloods have been high-ish in the last week – 6, 6.8, 6.5. This morning, it came in at 4.9. Does this mean anything? (Shrugs) Just there for the record-keeping really.

Tomorrow will be the 9th week of borderland stagnation, in all probability. Might give the Rigiscan people a call...

Sunday 22 April 2012

The Impossible Virtue of Trudging

There's something about a good solid trudge in the rain.

Mainly of course, it's the rain. And mainly, the thing that is 'about' it is a feeling that the world is a terrible, dull, grey, bitter place in which it is easier and altogether more manly to simply give up and scurry back home for a nice cup of tea and a bit of pampering, thankyouverymuch.

I turned round. It was about the third time I'd turned round on today's trudge. Behind me lay a quick exit from the rain, undoubted tea and sympathy at Ma's house and a feeling that I'd Done The Sensible Thing. Ahead, the road was all uphill, even the downhill bits, and the rain would find its way through the open weave of my thoroughly Summery hat, and, despite d's best efforts to hermetically seal me into my jacket, the water would undoubtedly find a way in somewhere, cos that's what water does, being both a fundamental and an elemental bastard, and I'd shiver and freeze and my bones, such as they are, would turn green and mouldy and, beyond a shadow of doubt....I'd die.

I turned back to the uphill road, and trudged on through a puddle.

Of course...there's something about a good solid trudge through the sunshine too - it's more technically pleasant, but it somehow leaves you feeling like a big girl's blouse for all the heroic, manly bullshit you spun to yourself about the nobility of trudging through the rain half an hour earlier.

Trudging, as I trudged today, through Bloody Changeable Weather somehow therefore contrives to deliver you the worst of all possible worlds...and then makes you realise there were worse worlds still, waiting for you just a couple of street corners away.

Much of my recent stolidity around the 15 stone border has come down to the fact that I seem to have developed an overactive Boredom Threshold - so 45 minutes of biking, or an hour in the gym now feels monstously dull, wheere previously, I could do that long pretty much standing on my head (well, alright, maybe not the biking, cos that'd just be silly, but you get the drift...). Today, I wanted to turn back and give it up as a bad joke three times, but trudged wearily on, mainly because I'm trying to finish an audiobook before I get to the office tomorrow, and trudging was helpful in that regard.

And it's amazing how self-congratulatory and virtuous it's possible to feel about having done, when all is said and done and trudged, Not That Much After All. While up until this morning, I felt convinced that Tuesday's result would be in all likelihood catastrophic, or at least not remotely exciting, after finishing my trudge today, I felt all sorts of healthy and positive and anything-is-possible...ish.

Endorphins, you see. Tricky little bastards, endorphins...Can't trust the buggers an inch.

Having said which, I'm going downstairs now to have some yoghurt and fruit because, while the endorphins are settling down, my body is telling my brain that it's Earned A Bloody Treat Today, Mush, and Don't You Forget It.

T'riffic. I have the brain of a middle-aged cynic, and the body, apparently, of a six-year-old on the constant verge of sulks and tantrums...

There, there...have a banana...

Saturday 21 April 2012


"I'll introduce you to our house," said my mate, Karen (Slinky), "on condition you don't blog about it..."
I sighed. There was such a great opportunity for a funny blog here...This I knew cos a) I was spending the day with Karen and Brian, and they're always fantastic fun, and b) they're clearly madder than the world at large gives them credit for.

I say 'clearly'....mmmmainly, I think to piss you off, because it's evidently not clear at all. Without focussing on the hysterical stuff, I can tell you that today was great fun - had a gorgeous pizza lunch in a restaurant called Verdi's with fantastic views of the Mumbles...walked along the Mumbles Pier, played "AC/DC Pinball" - which is an experience in itself, played an arcade version of Deal Or No Deal, and got over-excited after one good round, dealing when I intending to no-deal, met the most gorgeous black cat of my life to date, and spent many happy hours convincing myself it's a dog trapped in a cat's body as it continued to fetch me bottle-tops flung to the far corners of rooms, eaten a truly colossal but apparently healthy lamb and potato curry, and generally had a right old laugh.

But the really funny stuff....I'm forbidden to tell you. So this is me...not telling you. Lips sealed, move along folks, nothing to see here stylee...(whistles innocently, raising eyes to the ceiling...)

No Disappearing of note done today. Results on Tuesday probably catastrophic I feel - although that might just be the curry talking. Sunday tomorrow - much walking must be done. However, for now, this is me, going away to take drugs...

I know, how rock and roll am I?

Sadly, not that rock and roll at all - these are sleeping pills to de-programme myself from the weekday routine of a 6.30 wake-up call. Tonight, dammit, we sleep!

Friday 20 April 2012

I'm Late...

It was a rabbit. Wasn't it?
It pulled out a pocket-watch, consulted it nervously, tutted in my general direction, and hopped off out of the bedroom.

"Did you see that?" I asked, but discovered to my surprise that d was already up and bustling about downstairs.
"I'm late, I'm late..." muttered what oculd only be d or the rabbit.

I rubbed my eyes. It was going to be one of Those Days, clearly. I'd deliberately shut off my alarm this morning, because - and this in itself is tragic - I didn't have time to walk. When deadlines crunch, perversely, I have time to do less and less, and my next magazine deadline is crunching properly underfoot right now. Also of course, I've managed to make it through an entire week without doing very much at all of the website work I need to do in order to give people something nice to look at when my business announces itself to the world in the pages of magazines early next month.

"I'm late, I'm late..." muttered the rabbit...which, thinking about it, and admitting I'm no expert on twitchy-nosed-creature recognition before my first cup of pointless coffee in the morning, was prrrrrobably, in actual fact, a hare. A March hare, in all likeihood, which meant it genuinely was pretty damn late. Soon it won't even qualify as an April hare...

I sort of know how it feels right now. So much to do, so little time. Of course, d is undoubtedly not alone in spotting where at least some of the time I should have used to Do Productive Stuff has gone, given my mental day yesterday with the Extreme Vegans of Facebook...

Knuckling down, clearly, is the way to go. I have actually made proper progress with the magazine today as a result of this salutory, and in all likelihood entirely fictitious start to the day. Magazine looking good...or at least good-ish. And tonight, dammit, there will be web progress...

In fact, there probably would have been web progress last night if I hadn't made a stand and chosen to sit on the bike for an hour, pedalling for what is probably the first proper session of the week. Tonight, I'm prioritising the website, which means the pedalling will be sacrificed. Tomorrow, we're out nice and early, going to Karen Slinky's place for a great day with friends. Sunday, Walking with Ma, in all likelihood, and maybe an afternoon movie matinee, just to prove that we're not just wage-slaves, but actually Have Lives, Dammit! Then Monday, back on a train to London, and the demented hamster-wheel turns again.

It's funny, there was a time - a heavier time - when we sort of used to dream of Having A Life. Night after night of sitting on our couch, watching cooking programmes, eating gorgeous food, until unconsciousness claimed us. Now we've actually GOT a Life, and while on the whole, I wouldn't trade you a day of Now for a year of Then, just occasionally, it's bloody exhausting...Now excuse me, have to go - Stuff To Do, don'tcha know...

I'm soooo bloody late....

Thursday 19 April 2012

Don't Feed The Vegans!

The funny thing about Facebook is that it's remarkably true to life, without being in fact anything like life at all. You exist, in that digital world, as a combination of what you look like - your profile picture - the things you say, the things you do, and more often than not, the things and people you claim to like.

I mention this because today, for the first time, someone I don't really know from Adam disbelieved me when I said I'd done what I've done so far. They laughed at me, saying "Oh yeah, and your hair's grown back as well hasn't it, go on, show us a picture..." and intimated that I'd then be running off to Photoshop to "draw some black wavy lines on my bald head", so unbelievable was my claim to have lost near-as-damnit 80 pounds (OK, my maths was a handful of pounds out) in the last year.

d smiled when I told her this, assuming that this was a nice little encounter with people who, seeing me now, couldn't believe I used to be 20 stone and change.

See...if I've inherited anything from my mother and my grandmother, it's this - I'll talk to anyone. They (and, come to that, d) will begin conversations with anyone, which is not me. But if there's a conversation started, I'm happy to jump in with anyone.

Couple of days ago, I got into a conversation with a 'Facebook Friend' about vegetarianism. He was a vegan guy, and I thought it was quite a solid, rational discussion myself - and the leader of the discussion seemed, yesterday, to think so too. Then today, we continued talking about it. He'd put up a picture of a couple of dead piglets, and basically was ridiculing the idea that 'carnivores call vegans weird, and yet they eat pigs anuses in skin-tubes...'

I said "But Meat is tasty..."

And then the world exploded. I was called a twat, a moron, a scumbag, and someone who 'carried the mark of their evil with them' - hence - get this, it's a demented one - I was fat and bald because I was a filthy meat-eater. Oh, and threatened. If I'd said that in 'the real world', I was told, I'd be eating through a straw.

The whole 'disbelieving Disappearing' thing came about because of that business of carrying my evil with me - the evil of eating meat you understand? The remarks became personal, and someone told me that, instead of showing what a nasty, evil human being I was (with a sarcastic sidebar that my parents must be really proud of me), if I got my fat arse to a gym, I'd be a better person.

Which is when I mentioned that I had in fact got my fat arse to a gym, and had lost nearly 80 pounds in a year - rather ironicaly given the conversation, by reducing my carbs and increasing my protein (which meant increasing my meat consumption), so the healthy version of me they were talking to was not the same as the version of me they thought they were talking to - the profile version of me. Annnnd that's when I got the disbelief about having Demi-Disappeared on a meat diet. Such a concept was so monstrous, so unthinkable, it had to be a lie to these people.

I should say - I have buggerall against veganism if that's what floats your boat, but all in all, it was weird and rather disturbing to wander into a conversation, say something obvious, and then get my head well and truly bitten off...

Especially by non-meat-eaters.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

The Get Out Of Gym Free Card

"Ooooh 'eck..." said our Gym and Swim instructress tonight. She'd taken one look at d as we cuaght up on the day in reception.
"Go 'ome," she said. "You look dreadful..."
While it's not a description I'd have used, being a loyal sort of cove, d's day had left her frozen, with a horrible horrible headache.
"The water's gonna be bloody cold tonight," said our instructress. "I know how that goes - you've already got a headache, you get in there and it's game over for the night..."
"Yeah," said d, almost sniffling with pain. "But we're here now, and we don't want to have to add another week to our trial period..."
She winked at us, and hugged d.
"Don't worry," she whispered. "I'll mark you in. Go home, have something hot, and get an early night..."

Every now and then, people still have the capacity to surprise me with their downright simple compassion.

Walked this morning, but got as far as the local Costa, and frankly gave up.

Walked at lunchtime, but rather than go with the instructors, and talk to them, I went with my iPod, on the principle that I don't play well with others. Did about six miles all told. When we got home after a hot meal, I did a little bit of biking, though not much. So a day of good intentions, more than particularly noteworthy progress.I should probably feel a bit guilty about my not playing well with others, given the kindness of our instructress afterwards...

Don't though. Sorry...I'm just that shallow.
Point of linguistic order here - can you be shallow if you're a fat fuck?

Tuesday 17 April 2012

There and Back Again

Yep - not even news to me at this point...14 stone 13.75 today. One fart back into the 14s. It's pretty much lost its sense of specialness by now, it's kind of "Oh look, a 14..."

It occurs to me I first saw a 14 six whole weeks ago. Since when - buggerall in the way of progress. A month and a half of pure stagnation. Sigh...

Not that my life in general is stagnating - absolutely anything but. Dad saw his consultant yesterday and seems to be on a bit of an upswing as a result. He's also thinking about attending a 'once in a lifetime' event in London next week - without any of us there to back him up. Clearly, this twangs on the nerves in me and all around, but I'd be thrilled if he could make it there, because it would give him a sense of achievement, and lift him onto another plane of possibilities.

Am also striding ahead with that whole 'owning a business' thing. So far, owning a business seems to involve lots of ingenious new ways to owe people money, but then I'm not entirely ready to start bringing money in yet. Everything's ready apart from a little bit of legal business, which I'm sorting out Thursday with an accountant, and adding content to my sexy but thoroughly vacant website. This needs to happen pretty bloody sharpish in the next week or so, so I'll be focusing on that for a bit too.

Plus there's real writing, competition-entering, the day-job, and the Disappearing to keep me busy should I feel things are getting a bit dull round here. No word yet from the penile girth-measurers of yesterday, so we'll see.

d had a job interview today, and we should know about that within a few days too.

So there's plenty going on, but movement in the Disappearing World is really rather thin on the ground.

I just wish I was...

Monday 16 April 2012

Weird Science

When I started this experiment, I said I was going to try anything and everything I could to lose the weight by non-surgical means. Since then of course, I've proved myself a wimpy wuss-ass - I ducked out of the Speed idea, as it didn't seem like the best of plans for someone dabbling in tachycardia. I've not done the 'wrap yourself in plastic and sit in the shed' idea, as made famous by The Full Monty. I've not done colonic irrigation, although at very many points, the Xenical Effect made it feel as though I'd done precisely that. So, all in all, I've 'not-done' a lot more than I've actually done in terms of the weird, the whacky, and the downright demented.


I clicked on a Facebook advert a couple of days ago.
"Are you male, healthy, not dead, not especially decrepit and fat?" it asked. I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist.
I clicked it, because I pretty much qualified (shut it, you lot!).
It was an advert for a clinical trial.

Clinical trials are looming large in my life right now, cos my dad is hoping to get on one come the Autumn, to help improve his bloody-mindedly miserable physical condition. My own physical condition has very much stopped being bloody-mindedly miserable, which is, as I've wittered on about endlessly, one of the main reason why my weight hasn't shifted in the last month. But now there's the opportunity for me to get on a clinical trial. I read the details, filled in my own, and twanged off an email.

They came back to me today with more details, and more questions. The more questions were all fine...except possibly one. If you have a history of 'unexplained urinary tract bleeding' it said, you may not be elligible. I've had a bit of a brush with unexplained bleeding. I went through a manner of modern torture to try and get it explained, but the best anyone could tell me was that, at the time, I had a kink(!). Since I've begun losing the weight, incidentally, the kink appears to have magically straightened itself out, cos there's been no bleeding....pretty much since the benighted afternoon in which the horrifying words "We're gonna need the wide-bore and the spreader" first entered my life. So - I don't know - I may be inelligible for this trial. I guess we'll see in the days to come. Days, rahter than weeks, as the trials are all taking place at a major London hospital in May, with follow-ups in June.

The follow-ups, apparently, involve wearing a kind of electrode-cap to monitor pulses from your brain.

Did I mention, the trial is of an appetite suppressant? Now - appetite suppressant and electrode cap, I can kind of see - the neurology of appetite and all that. What I can't really make the leap to is part of the treatment itself.

Appetite supressant. Keep that fact firmly (as it were) in your mind when I tell you that the trial itself also involves the use of something called a Rigiscan.

Err...yes, the clue is in the first half of that word.

The Rigiscan...apparently...consists of two rings. Two rings that must be  dropped like quoits over the shaft of the penis at various points along the trial, and which measure - Christ, I wish I was making this up - any change in girth along the way.

The questions are almost endless. Where exactly are they hoping you'll lose weight from in this experiment? Where's the logic in testing an appetite suppressant and measuring dick-thickness? Are you supposed to be so hungry you wear yourself down to a nubbin out of sheer frustration? I think the biggest question-mark surrounds the supplementary information though. The Rigiscan, I was assured, was "a non-painful" - note - not pain-free! - "measuring device, and you will be instructed in how to use it...."

Really? What's it gonna be, doctors lining up, me stood there with my trousers round my ankles and a target painted over my nether regions, as they try to toss the scanner on the Tony? Or worse, will there be some cringe-worthy moment of Proper Grown-Up We Can Talk About This Frankly You Know, This Is Proper Science discussion about how precisely to fit the rings of the girthometer around one's shaft? Doesn't bear thinking about, all in all...

Except it rather does, because a) I've done very little that's genuinely weird on this trip so far, b) if it works, it'll allow me to get on without having cravings and eating anything like as much as I do, and b) they pay. Real money. And quite a few good handfuls of it, to boot. For those three things, I can be Grown-Up as all get-out while measuring the thickness of what bad Victorian erotica would undoubtedly have called my 'Maleness'.

Hell, every boy in my class at school was obsessed with measuring himself - it was all down to the Adrian Mole books (about a teenager with, among other things, like acne and intellectual pretensions, an obsession with measuring the length of his penis. He was the Harry Potter of our day, with a very definite wand-fixation. Thanks a lot, Sue Townsend, for making us think that was normal behaviour!). I'm not about to describe to you either the length or indeed the girth of mine (that'll be one stat that's between me, d and science, if I'm selected for this bizarre experiment in humiliation). And as I say, my general kinkiness may yet rule me out of consideration for the trial. But if not - if I do end up on this thing...I'll be re-thinking that whole semi-noble 'leaving my body to science' thing when I die.

I think they'll have had their fun at my expense by then!

Sunday 15 April 2012

The Carbover

Woke up at 6.30 this morning. There was a bird.

A particular bird.

You know they say some birds, given time, learn to tune their songs to mimic car alarms?
This was a bird which had either tuned itself to mimic alarm clocks, or the clanging of tiny dwarf-hammers on rock and gold, prior to a bunch of bearded diminutive miners breaking into a robust chorus of "Heigh Ho, Heigh ho, it's off to work we go..."

Little bastard.

We managed to get back to sleep (or at least I did). Then d was leaning over me.
"Wake up Sleepyhead," she teased gently, kissing me.
"Unnnnnnfno," I moaned, pulling the sheets over my pounding head.
"C'mon sweetie," she coaxed, "time to get up..."
It was inconceivable that such a thing could be true.
"Wha'time'sit?" I managed.
"7.45," she said.
My eyes snapped painfully open.
"In what universe is that 'time to get up'...on a Sunday?" I croaked, feeling like I was a five-pound note in a wallet - folded and crinkled and worth next-to-nothing.
She laughed good-naturedly.
"Everyone's up," she explained. I wanted to retort that that was their bad bloody luck and it was no concern of mine, but my tongue felt thick in my head and I couldn't get the words.
"And they're being quiet so as not to wake you," she added.
"Good," I managed. "Thank 'em for me..." Then I pulled the covers over my head again.
She, I'm sure, rolled her eyes at me.
"Uppy uppy, little guppy," she said. I've no idea why, it's just something she says when I'm behaving like a two-year-old.

Which is often, now I think about it.

"Nooooo...." I moaned. "Feel crap..."
"That's not their fault," she said reasonably. "Don't ruin their Sunday..."
"Sunday doesn't begin for at least another couple of hours," I said, with what I thought was peerless reasoning.
"I'll get Chip to wake you up," she threatened sweetly.

Chip is Lee's dog. He used to be Lee & Rebecca's dog, when Lee and Rebecca were 'Lee & Rebecca', but now they're just 'Lee, and Rebecca,' he's Lee's dog, though Rebecca, I'm sure, has unlimited access rights.
Chip, bless him, is stark raving bonkers, and in the new environment of West Wales, he was barking at most anything - other dogs especially, but people, ice-cream shops, seaweed...just anything that took his fancy.

"You wouldn't dare," I growled.

Lesson to husbands, boyfriends, and casual-fucks everywhere...
Don't say that. Don't ever say that. You're pretty much sealing you're own fates.

"Oh Chhhhhhipppp!" called d, her voice full of encouragement. The hound came bounding through the cottage where we were staying, bouncing up the stairs like Tigger on a pogo stick. Arriving in the room, he looked from the bed to d, uncertain of his permission.
"Go on Chip, go get him, goo'boy..." she encouraged. He bounced on me, licking my bald head as though I was made of beef.
"Get the Hell off me, Dog, or I'll punch you in the face!" I snarled from under the blankets. He bounced off again, and buggered off downstairs again. I scrambled, bitchingly, into clothes, and went downstairs. There, I scowled at my friends for a good hour, while staring vacantly into space and chain-drinking coffees.
"What the Hell's up with you?" asked Rebecca.
"'s' a carbover," I grumbled.
"A what-now?"
"Like a hangover, but without the alcohol," I grunted. All the gorgeous Indian food from the night before had kicked the living crap out of me overnight. My head was pounding, my concentration was fleeting, my mood was foul.
"Awwww, has you got a carbover 'en?" scoffed Rebecca.
"Shut up!" I growled. "'s a real thing..."

As the day wound on, the carbover cleared and I became able to play with others. We all made breakfast together, which was both pleasant and special - the kind of thing that happens in films where old friends get together.

Had lunch in Pendine Sands, feeling the Tapeworm roar, and pootled about in Amroth for a while. Then decided we should come home - d has an interview for a fantastic job on Tuesday and has to prep for it, and I wanted to come home and...well, do this, frankly.

The Tapeworm feeling absolutely refuses to let me go - want to eat everything I see - for tastes and textures and the feeling of chewing, the delight of inhaling and the joy of swallowing. I just...want...everything.

Is this the way to assure a significant loss on Tuesday, we ask ourselves. Then we make an eyebrow-raised face at ourselves, to show 'get a grip'ness. Probably not, being the point. Fairly regulation week coming up though - only excursion is on Saturday, down to Swansea and to visit Karen 'Slinky', which I'm looking forward to. And of course, tomorrow's Monday, the cheating bastard's tool of choice for those seeking positive results on Tuesday.

Time to start planning some significant carbunders, I think. This thing has to be shifted bodily...

14th April - You Lookin’ At Me?

Was supposed to come to West Wales today, in celebration of Lee’s turning 40, but we decided to come away a night early and book a B&B in Saundersfoot. Me, driving, at night…this stuff pretty much writes itself…
Still, long story short, we got to the B&B with nobody being technically dead. It was a B&B that ‘welcomed dogs.’
 Humans without dogs? Nnnnotsomuch. Still, they gave us dinner, as long as we chose immediately and didn’t go for anything too complicated. The dining room was full of dogs, at least one of whom was called Pongo.
“Ohhhh,” said Pongo’s owner in the middle of conversation with the owner of another dog, whose name I frankly failed to commit to memory on the grounds of not-giving-a-fuck. “Pongo’ll eat till he’s full…” he meandered, discussing the stupidity of Dalmations.
“I know the feeling,” I muttered to d.
“Ohhh that’s nothing," said the owner of Don’t-give-a-fuck, which was a Labrador. “Don’t-give-a-fuck’ll eat till he’s full, and then keep on going…”
I considered.
“I know that feeling too,” I said. d chuckled.
“Yyyyeah, but the thing is,” she said, “without knowing the context, no bugger’d believe you now.”
“You don’t…” she kinda shrugged. “You don’t exactly look like you know that feeling any more…”

It was the sweetest thing anyone’s said to me this year…

We ate, we slept, we woke up this morning, we slept some more, we gave this waking up lark another try…then we went down for breakfast.

What is it about a buffet that makes all the normal rules go into heavy camouflage, coughing and muttering and not meeting anyone’s eye…
I’ve recently developed a taste for yoghurt and banana. When I started eating this, I’d normally chop up the banana, then pour the creamy white goodness over it. Buuuuuut y’know how it is – you’re in a hurry, you peel a banana, you’re out of knives…you end up dipping the banana straight in the yoghurt and sucking the white goo off the end of it.

Anyone remember the entry from early December last year, where I was out at a posh dinner, and ended up sniffing the communal dessert before passing it on to anyone who wanted it?

“Erm…” said Don’t-give-a-fuck’s owner at the adjacent table.
I blinked.
“Wha-?”I said, avoiding the t-sound since my mouth was full of yoghurt-dripping banana. I sucked the goo off the end, taking a thin layer of ’nana-flesh with my teeth, tapering the thing even more.
“You do realise you just…erm…sucked yoghurt off a banana…right?”
I looked around the breakfast room. Every pair of eyes was fixed on me…unblinking, as if they were afraid to miss a money-shot.
“Ah…” I said. “Not good?”
d took the banana and yoghurt off me, and prepared something apparently more socially-acceptable. After which there was a porridge course, followed by a toast and eggs course, and then, just to reassert my fuck-youness to other diners, more yoghurt and banana. This was about four breakfasts in one – like I say, there’s something about buffets, especially buffets for which you’ve already paid, that drives you on, to grab evvvvverything you can. We’ve taken fruit from buffets that we’ve taken to hotel rooms and watched until they’ve rotted, simply because they were free.

Pootled from Saundersfoot to Amroth, and had lunch with Lee and Rebecca – bangers and mash, thankyouverymuch.

Of course, today has been Grand National Day. On Grand National Day last year, I had my second tachycardic palaver, and haven’t had an intentional caffeine-shot since. We all gathered in the cottage Lee’d rented for the week to watch horses run, and fall, and occasionally have to be destroyed. The race began, Rebecca went upstairs, broke a door, yelled. Lee ran to see what had happened, and cracked his toe on the stone grate. I don’t know what it is about Amroth and the area – it’s like it’s in the small print: renters must sacrifice a toe on receipt of the keys…

Fortunately, the toe wasn’t broken (as far as we know), and the race went on. As it happened, one of the horses that d got in the work pool…freakin’ WON! By the length of its horsey nose-hair mind you, but it won nonetheless.

Pootled around all afternoon, then went for a never-ending Indian takeaway. Rice, sauce, naan bread, more assorted carbolicious…stuff than can comfortably be conceived. By the end of it, three pairs of eyes were fixed on me as I chowed my way through breads and rices. Three pairs of eyes belonging to people with swollen, filled and aching bellies. I chewed.
“Wha-?” I demanded.

It’s been that kind of day, all in all…

Friday 13 April 2012

Tapeworm Town

Blood was 6.0 this morning nom nom nom nom...
Did yesterday's walk again this morning nom nom nom nom nom...
Got home and haven't moved my Disappearing Ass from my desk all damn day - no walking, no biking, no hiking, no nothin', and an insatiable foody lust for EVERYTHING nom nom nom nom nom...

It's like there's a demented tapeworm in my guts, that wants to reach out to one thing, stuff it in my face and rach out in the opposite direction for something else, whatever else comes to hand before the swallowing's done.

Technically - TECHNICALLY - I'm not doing too badly - had a big-assed coffee for breakfast, and an enormo-assed lunch - a small frozen pizza (400 cals or thereabouts), PLUS beans on toast. Mid-afternoon yoghurt and banana, and a couple of handfuls of trail mix throughout the day. So really, I'm OK today if I don't eat annnnything else until I close my eyes.

The trouble is, I'm sitting here, wanting to take a chunk out of my own desk, and teeth be damned!

Just occasionally, I wish I could take out my own gluttony and punch it right in the face, y'know? I know people say that primitive physical violence doesn't help, but I have a sort of sneaking suspicion that it might just help me...

Newsflash for ya - tomorrow and Sunday's entries will be coming to you from Amroth, or rather Marros - going to share a cottage with Lee, Rebecca and their mutual friend Gary in celebration of the turning-40 of Lee. Older, more dedicated readers will know the Amroth deal - usually can't get a signal worth a damn, so will save up the entries and post them, dated, on Sunday night when we get home.

For now though, arriverderci, Disappearers, I'm packing up and packing a hire care and buggering off to the seaside... and chips...candy floss...iiiiiiiiiiice creammmmmmmm...

Oh, shut up!

Thursday 12 April 2012

Let's Do The Time Warp Agaaaaaaain

Wellll alrighty then.

Who knew that a demented scribble about Wombles at 11 o'clock at night would turn into the most viewed blog entry of the month?
Needless to say, when I went walking this morning, I turned on the Wombles' Greatest Hits to power me along. Something struck me, while listening, that only I could possibly find it important enough to tell you.

I mentioned that geeky but sweet little Wellington Womble sometimes dreamed of being a spy. This idea has been lodged in my brain by the song, for which there is unfortunately as yet no Youtube video, To Wimbledon With Love - a clear but clever pastiche of the James Bond themes of the 70s. Listening to it again today, there's no clear indication that this is meant to be a Wellington song at all - and indeed, much of the Wombles 'inner fantasy life' - if such a thing isn't too demented to contemplate - was the responsibility not of the sensible, diligent Wellington, but the sleepy, greedy, slack-assed but adorable, my apologies to Wellington if he feels I've miscast him at all there...

When d read last night's entry, she looked at me sideways.
"Oh I don't know," she said. "Right now, you're sort of half-Wellington, half-Tomsk....maybe if Tomsk and Wellington had a love-Womble..."
I blinked at her.
"Thanks," I said.
"That's my childhood retrospectively ruined..."

It's been a weird day for nostalgia, all in all. This morning, I eschewed my normal circular walking route and went up an entirely different hill (Merthyr, as I may have mentioned once or twice before, is pretty much like Rome's heavy-shouldered, snot-nosed younger brother - a town built on seven hills...and then some). This was (with apologies to the non-Welsh), Heolgerrig Hill, which I once nearly killed Karen Pulley and myself by driving down at 90 miles an hour (+ gravity) in an automatic Mini on three wheels, on the wrong side of the road, into the path on oncoming traffic...which is what used to happen if you asked the teenaged me 'how fast does this go?"

As I powered up the meanly-angled bastard, it all started looking weirdly familiar for another reason.

Like many kids of my generation, my first job while still in school was as a mobile news delivery executive - or a paperboy as we used to call them. And this had been my route - the Heolgerrig Hill and its (allusion entirely intended) back side, which is known as Brondeg. Never having mastered the necessary balance for pedal power, I walked those streets every weekday morning before I was properly awake, braving snarling dogs, snarling owners, spiderwebs and slug-trails and the general drudgery of honest toil. All in all, I'm fairly sure it was on those mornings I decided that making an honest living wasn't for me, and determined to become a writer instead...

Also, I'd forgotten that "Womble" is something of a familial nickname for the males of my bio-dad's family. First given to my uncle (who, by another of those strands connecting small town life, at one time had the inestimable good fortune to go out with Karen KrazeyKlaws, or Miss Slinky, as I shall now always, with an unwashoffable grin, think of her), the nickname pretty much spread to my bio-dad, and then to me, in recognition of what appears to be our family's genetic predisposition towards short, stumpy barrell-bellied men...which incidentally always made us look a little suspiciously on my elder uncle, who was neat, and sober and thin as an anorexic whippet. Hmm...

And then tonight, continuing the nostalgic theme, I'm taking d to my old high school, where I allegedly spent the happiest years of my life...which is interesting, cos most of them were bloody miserable, consistingly mainly of getting the shit kicked out of me, being stabbed with compasses, slashed with steel metalwork rulers, getting involved in the occasional riot - we didn't have proms at my school, we had the end of year riot....ahh the memories of overturned cars and rampaging mobs... - and generally being 'the fat kid with a big mouth'. I only really came into my own at 16, when the thugs and the gits took the first available opportunity to escape the clutches of education and gave me room to breath without having to constantly be running away.

What's more, I'm taking her to see an amateur dramatics production (which I used to do - in fact, my first few times on stage were on the stage I'm going to be watching tonight), starring Karen Pulley, who's been my friend since the 80s, in a production directed by a guy called Ian who I not only used to know, but who entered my life as 'the boyfriend of my friend Rebecca', and in which position I have to admit I thoroughly fucked the poor guy over in my role as 'scheming Machievellian bastard with Rebecca's ear'. Ahhh, the good old days...

What is perhaps most of all, the show we're going to see is called "Back To The 80s..."
I think, possibly, one more straw of nostalgia and we start bending space-time.
Hmm...I'm wearing jeans of a size I haven't been able to fit into since 1983, does that count?
Hey...what's that?....ooooh......

Where the Hell am I?
Come to that...when the Hell am I?
Oh God....please don't tell me I have to do puberty again, cos that sucked!