Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Wednesday Dimension

Well…that was worthwhile.

Travelled a few hundred miles round trip, sat in a meeting that lasted over four hours, spoke about eight sentences, including three to bitchslap a colleague who deserved it, learned said colleague was pulling a fast one, bitchslapped him again as was necessary, and tried, for the sake of my brain, to entirely ignore the rest of the meeting.

That was worth a 5.45AM start, about seven hours sat on trains, and an extra hour on a bus when the connecting train was missed.

See – this is why I particularly hate the Wednesday UberCommutes, when they happen, which is about quarterly. On a Monday UberCommute, I get a shedload done on the way to London, I don’t stop during the day, and then I get an extra shedload done on the journey home, cos it stops me focussing on the journey itself. On a Wednesday, it just feels…wrong. Feels like an extra specially weird parallel dimension. And the danger, from a Disappearing point of view, is that I treat Wednesdays like Mondays, and eat stupid stuff, later in the evening, and add the cherry of disappointment to my cake of generalised up-fuckery during the week, just ahead of a weigh-in. Did that tonight – got to Cardiff and went to Burger King, mainly to have somewhere warm to sit for a half-hour between the arrival of my train and the arrival of my bus. The grim price for which of course is having to order and eat something from Burger King.

I’m fairly sure there’s a special room at the back of every Burger King where they mechanically remove all the taste molecules from their food, and inject an extra couple of spoonfuls of oddly neutral grease, just to make sure they hit the double whammy of tastelessness and unhealthy.

Anyhow – now on a bus home, sweaty and stinky after a long-sleeved, heavy-coated, cowboy-hatted day which started with gales and rain, and turned treacherously blue and bright and hot as soon as I got to London. 

Oh...addendum - the bus driver got lost. Somewhere between Pontypridd and Merthyr, the driver turned to us at a junction and said:
"Well, I'm completely lost," he slurred. "Annnyone know where the Hell we are?"
"Seriously?" I asked.
"Seriously," he said. "No idea where we are..."
Turned out we were in fact somewhere between Penrhiwciber and Aberdare. We're not supposed to be annnnywhere near either of them. Eventually, one of the other passengers...y'know...with geographical skills...guided him back to the main road. That was just about the perfect end to a perfect Wednesday Dimension day...

Tomorrow will be a fairly chunky setback day, I’m sure. Then I’ll pick myself off the floor and get the Hell on with things.

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