Friday 4 January 2013

The Forward Planning Strategy

One of the best and simplest gifts I had this Christmas was from Ma (who, for those following the story, came out of hospital this afternoon and is now staying with her sister for a few days to recuperate. Seems fine, within the parameters of having had surgery yesterday).

It was a wall planner.

A weekly wall planner, with about eight weeks' space on it, based on a whiteboard.

This allows me to...well...plan ahead. Plan weigh ins, plan work schedules, and, as of tonight, when I finally made good on my intention to get the timetable of classes at the leisure centre, plan exercise schedules.

Glad I picked the timetable up - they appear to have invented a few new forms of exercise-based torture since I last walked through the doors. Well Hell, weirdly, they've entirely replaced the doors since I last walked through the doors, which is perhaps all the proof one really needs that it's been too damn long a time.

I'm not expecting anyone to answer this, but anyone got a clue what Vibe Cycling is? Seems to be high impact, whatever the fuck it is, so probably something up to which one must sidle gradually. Actually, sounds like the latest in luxury self-pleasuring for the busy woman on the go, but I'm guessing, probably, isn't.

There's something known as 20/20/20, which was deliciously enigmatic till d suggested it was probably "twenty minutes of one thing, twenty minutes of another, twenty minutes of something else again..."

There's now the potential to do Tai Chi, which I'm not entirely sure isn't something you drink, rather than something you do.

There's Urban Rebound - which sounds like the kind of thing they'd call Dodgeball the movie if it starred Sylvester Stallone.

And then there's Boot Camp.

Boot Camp's new.
Boot Camp is perversely attractive to me. I'm gonna give Boot Camp a go. I will whinge extensively about Boot Camp, of this there can be no earthly doubt. But something about the brutality of something almost designed to break your very spirit or make you stronger appallingly appeals to me. Oh and for a true moment of perverse planning, on a Tuesday night, Boot Camp follows directly after Yoga. Might give Yoga a go too - have never been a particularly stretchy individual (stretchy, for the morbidly obese, being more a case of rolling out the dough around one's mid-section than extending one's poor demoralised muscles.

Tuesday. Me. Yoga, followed by Boot Camp.


d's birthday tomorrow, which means going somewhere silly, to do something mad. And also going out tomorrow night to a local Indian restaurant. Yes, dammit, good food will be had by all. Not getting hung up on this stuff any more, life's too short. Will eat, will enjoy, will move the fuck on and do Boot Camp...

It's on the planner now. It will be done...

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