Sunday 20 January 2013

The Sunday Vacancy

Strange day.

Woke up grumpy, and have been up and down and blank all day. Worked a while on a couple of edits, biked a while watching, of all things, some episodes of Blackadder. Had pizza for breakfast (2 slices), and beef pie and mash for dinner. Other than that, there's really very little to say about today. We've been waiting on additional snow, and there hasn't been any, so all thoughts of avoiding the UberCommute, and of d avoiding having to go back to work tomorrow, are pretty much melting away as I type this. Didn't have to go to choir tonight though, that was cancelled.

Feels weird and blank and empty, both as a day, and as a concept of tomorrow. And while I'm aware (thank you, Terry Pratchett, for the idea) that plenty of people can make whole careers out of studying nothing (and, as I think you said, putting the patterns of the nothing onto T-shirts), tonight I don't feel like being numbered among them. And so farewell and adieu until tomorrow has something to say about it. For now, there's just too much nothing and not enough time left in this night.

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