Friday 18 January 2013

The Cocaine Comparison

Firstly, let's get this out of the way: Wow, did it snow?

Secondly - having a serious shedload of snow pretty much canned the idea of going for a walk. Having a crunchy deadline pretty much canned the idea of doing...well, anything else, really.

Among the things I read today while trying not to get anything done, was this.

This was fasssssscinating. Facts about sugar, and how much of it we take in, and what it does to us.

Of particular face-slapping impressiveness was the last of the factoids at the link - I know you may not be inclined to click on random links in blogs, but this is to a site called Upworthiest, and it's fine. Honest. Go click.

The final factoid is that according to brain scans, sugar is as addictive as Cocaine.

It would be odd to find that comforting, right?

So call me Oddboy, cos I find this massively comforting. I know why that is of course, and that doesn't please me very much - it's a give-up. It's the equivalent of prayer, for Christ's sake - It means there are genuine addictive qualities to the thing I crave, which means on some fucked-up level, it's not my fault...right?

Ha...almost convinced myself there. Except it's a big-ass cop-out and I'm not going to fall back on it.

What the factoid does mean is that this being hard is fine. It's an addictive additive, and breaking habits that attach to something like that is always going to be hard. Possibly it also explains my inability to do what normal people do, and walk some sort of even path. Re-exposure to sugar makes it hard all over again.

Sigh...OK, maybe it's not so comforting.

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