Wednesday 16 January 2013

The News Cycle Explosion

Is it me, or has the news just gone nuts this week. Let's see...
HMV - the company with the dog and gramophone as its logo - goes into administration.
Christians bitch about victimisation after the European Court strikes down their claim to have rights to be bigoted asshats. Incidentally, probably the only right case - someone put on suspension for wearing a cross - wins.
Senior political journalist Andrew Marr  has a massive stroke, aged 52.
Blockbuster Video - finally! - succumbs to the 21st century, and goes into administration.
Japanese airline grounds all its Dreamliners because "something" is wrong...apparently with all of them.
In a climate where gun activists scream about 1776 happening again if "you take our guns", President Obama announces widespread gun control measures. Still has to get through Inauguration Day alive.
News breaks that Tesco hamburgers include minced horsemeat. Yummy!
And then a helicopter falls out of the sky in London...

Any more mad stuff, universe?
Meanwhile, I've been up at Ma's place all day, and haven't biked at all. Had the chance this morning, but didn't take it, cos I'm deadline crazy.

So - tomorrow's weigh-in day, and I'm not optimistic, all told. Too many excuses and rationalisations this week, not enough walking.

Ah well. fewer rationalisations next week, more work.

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