Wednesday 2 January 2013

The Nazi Scales Postponement

For a man with, at present, two calendars (not to mention the one on the computer), I seem to be having a bizarre time of it lately when it comes to Noticing Shit That's Coming Up in The World.

I'm obviously not talking about big, Real World shit - I was vaguely aware of the Fiscal Cliff Deadline and while it would have been creepy to be aware of the imminence of the Clinton Blood Clot Palaver, once it had happened, I followed it with the dutifully mixed cocktail of emotions you'd expect - "Awww, poor woman, I wouldn't wish that on anyone," on the one hand, and "That's her bid for power fucked then..." on the other. You know, the weird balance of the common courtesy you'd give a stranger on a street - pissing on them if they were on fire, say - and the understanding that it was Hilary Clinton you were talking about and realising you weren't really quite bothered about the venal vulture in a pant suit to, for instance, whip your dick out if she was on fire.

Annnyway, that's not what I mean. Followed all that vaguely enough, but at least I was aware of them on some level. Meanwhile, things in my personal, small, Real life have tended in recent weeks to hit me in the face like a shoal of flying fish in a desperate hurry to get somewhere. Christmas - p-thunk! New Year - w-fump! Re-Disappearing Day - F-wang!

And then there's tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Ma's op to remove whatever-the-fuck is nestling in her tissue that really shouldn't be there. I'm getting picked up at 6.30am - ouch! - and essentially sitting up in reception at the hospital until 4pm, by which time she'll be out of theatre and presumably off her tits on Socialised Medical painkillers (not to gloat, but stitch that, Republicans! Won't cost her a penny at the point of need. Keep peddling the bullshit about socialised healthcare being unconstitutional and morally repugnant, the rest of the world thinks you're a bunch of arses and an increasing political irrelevance in the 21st Century).

What that means is I'm faced with a choice between two equally distorted weigh-in readings. One at 6 o'clockish in the morning, when my eyes won't really work and my system will be sluggish and full of tonight's dinner. Or one at about 5 in the afternoon, by which point, I may well have - dum dum duuuuuuhhhh! - Eaten Something.

I don't, however, want to postpone the initial weigh-in of 2013, because however bad it's going to be - and it is - it will set the benchmark for the achievement I have to make during the course of this year. What to do, what to do...

Tune in tomorrow for exciting details!

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