Monday 17 June 2013

The Re-Tracktion

OK, so this morning, I got back on track for the first time since last Tuesday - went down the Trail and back. Got moderately depressed listening to, of all things given my recent concert experience, Bon Jovi, and had to switch to Buddy Holly to get me out of the funk. Bizarrely, as I sit here not twelve hours later, I cannot remember for the life of me what walking music I turned to when Buddy had warbled his last. No clue. Not a one. If I were a clue shop, I'd have to close up for the night.

Came back, started work, had a meeting, then, with my boss's permission, bogged off to Starbucks for the day. Got a huuuuge amount done, and have to be smacked periodically in the face so as not to look too smug.

Came home, got on the bike - like I used to do, when I was on track. There was a certain contretemps with the machine that beams programes upstairs. Could not get it to work.
"Why aren't you watching anything?" asked d, coming in a hundred calories later.
""Won't woooooork!" I almost wailed. She took the remote, pressed one of the many buttons I'd been pressing for ten minutes before huffily deciding to peddle in silent fury, just to show it who was boss. It worked for her first time.
She left. It stopped working instantly. I tried not to throw it through the window. I just about succeeded.

Heavy dinner tonight. Gorgeous but heavy. Weigh-in tomorrow will be what it will be, but on the upside, deadlines are looking pretty damn good, so on we go.

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