Tuesday 13 November 2012

With A Voice Of Singing...

Blood was 5.6 this morning - this may well have been helped by the fact that I re-introduced myself to proper biking last night - proper smelly, sweaty, lung-bursting knackered biking - or as my pal Sian puts it - "Going until you feel sick".

Sian's pretty sick about this stuff at the best of times. I just did a pounding hour, but it felt really good, and made the food we had for dinner taste soooooo much more better, and vibrant and wonderful.

This morning, didn't do anything in terms of exercise, cos my "Stuff To Do Today list" was entirely mental with out and about running hither and yon-type stuff. That didn't really stop until tonight, when I got dressed for the first time in my Dowlais Male Choir "uniform" - trousers, shirt, tie, blazer, all that malarkey. Before I went off to sing, we took a picture of me in the get-up, and I didn't think anything of it.

I was being picked up by a minibus at 6.30. At 6.45 I decided something was wrong, so schlepped and got a cab up to the venue. Turned out there was another guy in the same busless boat. Apparently, the guy who'd booked  the bus had had a fairly significant heart attack earlier in the day.

As ya do...some days...I guess.

Oh, earlier in the day, I had my eyes tested: turns out last time I was misdiagnosed, so I don't actually need the varifocals I currently wear. Woohoo!

Anyway, got a cab up to the venue, and had a great time singing. In particular, it's the first time I've performed Calon Lan live to others, the song that we got a choir to sing at Dad's funeral. That felt pretty special.

Came home, posted the pic of myself on Facebook. Within minutes, about 20 of my friends were sending me "Oh wow, you look amazing!"  messages...which was really nice, given that having taken off the outfit and standing in my underwear, I looked like a great big uncooked Yorkshire Pudding.

So here's a Welshman, singing a happy song of thanks to all my friends for giving me positive reinforcement when I wasn't even looking for it.

And now going to crash, because I feel like I've been hit by the stick of big fuck-off stickness and concussion.

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