Friday 9 November 2012

The Blue Biceps Irritation

Ain't life a hoot sometimes?

I mean, really, just positively comical.

I spent 38, 39 yeeeeeears essentially wishing to do as little physical exercise as possible.
And yet it's only since I've turned 40 that I've encountered days where I'm actually, medically not allowed to do any exercise.

And now I miss it!

Went to give blood today, for only the second time - you have a wait three months, minimum, between donations - and they tell you to do nothing of any exercise value on the day you do that. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilcho. Buggerall, to use the Welsh term.

Thing is, there are still plenty of days when I want to do buggerall. Then there are the days when I want to do plenty but, as now, am up against a deadline that means it's incredibly hard to carve out the time to do anything. I'm not really putting up with that bullshit in my life at the moment - I'm carving, baby, carving like I expect The Great Pumpkin to bless me with his orange tealit glow.

But today, I could do nothing. And all I've really been able to think about, all afternoon, is walking, or getting on the bike, or even going swimming, just to burn up some of the calories I've taken in during the course of the day...and I haven't been able to!


Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow, admittedly, the deadline pressure will still be on me, although I've JUST made my quota of pages done, as I sit here at 11 o'clock on a Friday night - here, incidentally, being in my office, while my poor wife, who's seen me for about an hour and a half all told today, including dinner, sits downstairs. Tomorrow, I'm up with the lark, getting the pages done, and hear me, o you mountains and you seas - There Will Be Biking!

Yes there freaking will, dammit...It's like...
You know what it's like? Have you ever heard the expression "blue balls"? It's a literally colourful expression for the irritation that builds up inside men if they haven't had sex in a while (though no-one, to my knowledge, has yet come up with an adequate expression for the irritation that builds up in women under the same circumstances - suggestions on a postcard please...).

Well, the way I feel tonight is like an exercising version of blue balls. Blue...Biceps, maybe? Yeah, that'll do, I've got blue biceps form not exercising today and, bar the walk that wouldn't end, not exercising yesterday either.

Tomorrow, dammit, I will have satisfaction, rid myself of blue bicep syndrome, and be an altogether more chipper human being to be around.

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