Saturday 9 March 2013

The Self-Righteous Vibration

Annnd there it is.
Walked yesterday, and went to the gym this morning, with my aunt and uncle. Did a fair amount of calorie-burning and some muscle-work over the course of an hour and some-odd. Doing it, I felt sweaty and achey and above all, horribly self-righteous, in that "look what I did" way that makes you want to punch people like me. Hell, it makes me want to punch people like me, but there's buggerall use to this blog if I'm not going to be honest in it.

While on one machine, I spotted Gethin. Gethin's one of the GP Referral gym-bunnies, who signs you in and out and shows you how to use the kit. Naturally, I haven't seen him in a good long while.
"Duw," he said (It's Welsh for God), "haven't seen you in a while."
I did some mental mathematics and realised Gethin had actually never seen me this big. I wasn't this heavy when I started on the GP Referral scheme, and I certainly wasn't this big when I finished and qualified on it.

That'll kick your self-righteousness in the face pretty damn quick - which is probably just as well, all things considered. I explained about last year being a bit of a write-off, with Dad's illness and passing and my discipline being shot to Hell.
"Back to it now though, eh?" said Gethin.
"Aye," I agreed, grinning.
"Good man," he judged, and moved on.

Good man, I thought with self-indulgent sadness, drifting back to last September. Then I shook myself and got back to the business in hand.

I screwed my iPod headphones into both ears, and got the shock of my life. I'd chosen a little Cream to exercise to, and the bassline of "Sunshine of Your Love" vibrated in my ears.

Ears, plural.

No, I still can't "hear" in the right ear. I couldn't even "hear" the bassline. But with the headphone screwed in just right, the bassline definitely vibrated in time. Can honestly say I've never been happier to feel the bassline of Sunshine of Your Love. Maybe...just maybe...I might be able to hear the thing before too long...

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