Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Plumbing Postponement

The blood count today was 7.8.
Got up to go to the gym. Then there was, for one reason or another, a washing machine to shift. Once we'd done that, I opened the front door, and felt the cold and blustery wind around my knees.

"I'll go later," I said, and got on with some of my still-ridiculous To-Do List.

By "later", I actually meant after 2pm. Part of the point of moving the washing machine is that it was dead. This...was a dead...washing machine.

Its replacement was due to arrive and be fitted between 10am-2pm. And indeed, it arrived at about 11.
"Oh," said the delivery guy. "Right..." he said, looking at the connector we had. "So, connection's not gonna happen today then. Sorry sir, you need an extended pipe...and we don't have one. Need to call a plumber sir. B-bye now..."

So we had a new, alive washing machine, and no pipe to stick in it. Called our friendly neighbourhood plumber, who said he'd be here "this afternoon".

So then the afternoon became about "waiting for the plumber". Got a chunk more of To-Do List crossed off, which was useful, but didn't want to get on the bike until he'd gone, because to answer the door all sweaty and demented wouldn't have worked. So when the plumber showed up, and stayed, and stayed, I was holding out for a 20 minute gym blast at the end of it all. As it turned out, he didn't leave till nearly 5. At which point I was doing the math: Choir at 7, plus needing to do some exercise, and shower, and eat....tick tock, tick tock...Instead of the gym, I went and biked, and then did all those things on my mini-list. Then choir. Now home and pretty much ready to snore.

Ah, now - tomorrow of course is weigh-in day, but in fact may not be - going to walk with Ma first thing, and then going up to her place for the day. So there may not be a chance to fit the, as it were. If not, for one week only, weigh-in day will be Friday.

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