Sunday 19 February 2012

We're Gonna Need A Bigger Spreadsheet...

Breakfast out this morning, with Rebecca and Lee. Great fun, though the breakfast itself was calorie-laden and not that great.

Lunch out with d. Great fun, though the lunch itself was calorie-laden annnnd not that great.

Spent the afternoon not-writing. Instead, went through a bunch of writers magazines, creating a spreadsheet of competitions to enter. Now it's 5.30, I've done no exercise, the spreadsheet's only about half done, and I'm going away to the damn bike, because the weekend should in no way come to a close without my doing any kind of exercise. Interesting to discover though how many opportunities I've been missing up to now. There are literally dozens of opportunities to get my ego punctured out there.

It's all about this work-life-Disappearing-writing-every-other-thing balance concept. In general, as of this moment, I'm quite happy with what I've managed to get done this weekend. But I know that I won't continue to be happy with it come Tuesday morning if I don't do something now and the result then is disappointing. So - back to it I go, while admittedly, turning ideas around for at least five of those competitions, and for the scene in my novel on which I'm currently working.

Not exactly multi-tasking, I know, but of course, on the upside, I have about four hours on a bus tomorrow morning, and the same tomorrow night to devote to the actual writing of these things. Four hours...Oh gods, up at 4.30 again...sigh...

To the EvilBastardBike, DisappearingMan!

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