Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Final Three....and a bit

What's that line again? Philosophical in defeat, magnanimous in victory, or somesuch thing?
Yyyyyeah, that really doesn't sound like me. Weigh-in results today:
15 stone 4.75!

I did it three times, just to make sure it wasn't just the Nazi Scales having a laugh. But apparently, the Nazi Scales don't laugh.


So that's officially five stone, and then some. Five stone, two and a quarter, if ya wanna be picky.
What that means is that technically, I've got less than four stone left to lose. Three stone, 11 and three quarters, picky fucks.

I've come across this phenomenon before, but I have to tell you, that feels like a Hell of a lot less than four stone. Clearly, it isn't, it's a couple of pounds, but it's the psychological effect of thinking in threes, rather than fours, and that's huge.

Now, just for the sake of full disclosure I should say - the real truth probably isn't as good as this result makes it look. Mondays now, with their UberCommute, tend to be ultra-light days, calorie-wise, and today's result is probably an outlier, much in the way I think the first time I recorded 15 stone 8 was, and then the following week, I found myself back up in the 15 stone 12 area. I've done a solid couple of daily unofficial weigh-ins this week that record me as 15 stone 7, so I think it's fair to say I've officially gone through the 5 stone barrier, but I wouldn't be at all surprised, next Tuesday, to find myself higher up despite trying to have a good week.

But for now, while there's news to be obnoxious about, excuse me while I do some football-chanting:
"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiive twoandabit, Fiiiive twoandabit,
Fiiiiiiiiiiiiive twoandabit, Fiiiiiive twoandabit..."

Magnanimous in victory, my Disappearing arse!

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