Tuesday 28 February 2012

Before We Begin Again

"Final weigh-in of year one tomorrow. Oooh, the drama - will I reach the 5.5 stone mark? Will I see my first 14 stone reading? Or will it just be another of the Inbetween-Tuesdays, of which there are so many between landmarks on this journey? Tune in tomorrow, and let's see..."

Well...yes I will.
Just about.
Weigh-in this morning was:  
14 stone 13.75

So that's a big statistical whoop. Last official weigh-in of Year One, and we've jussssst about squeaked into a total weightloss of 5.5 stone, or 77 pounds, or 35 kgs.

Of course, then I had a glass of water and in all likelihood weighed 15 stone again, but that's only the long-term point. In the short term, I saw my first 14 today. My plan is that by the end of March, I'll be at my six-stone mark, or 14 stone 7.5 End of April, I intend to see my first 13. 

Today was all about eyes, really. Went up to the hospital with Ma, who had 'suspected' Glaucoma. The doc took one look at her and upgraded her to 'definite' Glaucoma, but reassured her not to worry about it.

Well, not before the blisteringly high intra-occular pressures that were doing...something weird to her iris, anyhow.

So she's going urgently to the Big Regional Hospital tomorrow to...and yes, even as I type this, I'm squirming...to have laser eye surgery that will punch a hole in her iris to relieve the presures. Then, at some point, they'll treat the Glaucoma. And then, just for shits and giggles, they'll treat the brand new lump under her eyelid that no-one knew was there at all until the doc stared at her eye this morning and said "What on Earth is that?"

d and I are moving in with the folks for a couple of nights, just to make sure that One-Eyed Ma and her gallant crew get proper meals, and regular cuppas, and generally don't freak out.
Meanwhile, I've only got one more UberCommute on the bus, as I'm not going to London on the 12th of March - because both d and I have retinopathy screenings that morning. Did I mention, all about eyeballs at the minute.

Which I suppose is a fitting metaphor for the day really - it's all in the eys you look through - One year ago today I did my final preparatory blog, ready for the start of Disappearing Proper in the morning. Looking backward over that year, with my statistician's eyes in, I can officially say I've lost 5.5 stone, which is a great start and means I've got just four stone to lose. Looking forward with my bloody knackered eyes in, I can officially say I've got four more friggin' stone to lose...and then sigh, and go to bed, and get up in the morning and - thanks to the piggin' Leap Year, still not officially be a year into this bloody thing.

Haven't done well at all today - quite a few calories consumed, buggerall in the way of exercise done. Annnd now I'm about to have a yoghurty banana, just because, dammit. Walking....must...do...more...walking this week...

Oh yeah - just did some calculations.
"Ohhhhh god," I murmured to d.
"What?" she said, looking up.
"We could have sex tonight-"
"You incorrigible old romantic you..."
"-And have a child born, in the amount of time it took me to lose originally the amount of weight I have left. Nine months and a week..."
"Well," said d, rubbing her nose, "if we had a kid, wouldn't I be gaining all the weight you lost?"
"Errr....yeah, more than likely."
There was a moment of considered silence between us.
"So - yoghurty banana dear?" said d...

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