Sunday 12 February 2012

Perfect Day

Ever had a day so thoroughly pleasant you couldn't think of a way to improve it?

That was today. Slept long and deep, breakfasted out at a cafe.
"You shouldn't eat again for the rest of the day," said d, eyeing my plate of cheese and beans on toast. She shrugged. "Just saying..."
"Ha...way to steal the joy out of the moment," I muttered, smirking at her and biting deep onto a cheesy, beany mouthful of joy.
"Thousand calories in what you're eating," she chuckled.
"Per mouthful," she added.
"Love ya," I muttered, through a beany grin.

When breakfast was done, we decided we'd been in Merthyr long enough without Having An Adventure. Went and hung out at a bus stop where there were two possible buses, each with a different destination. It's our equivalent ot flipping a coin.

The X4 to Cardiff turned up first.
"Cardiff?" I asked. d grinned at me. She's got a great grin has my girl - A Vegas grin, all bright lights and roll your dice.
We got on the bus, and headed down to Our Nation's Capital.

"Ohhhh," I said, almost immediately when we got off the bus. "They have Starbucks here, oh canwe, canwe, canwe, canwe, canwe???"
"Sure honey," said d, laughing at my six-year-oldness. Picked up a Starbucks, and felt even more that all was right with the world.
Wandered round the city, going with the flow of a shitload less people than a Saturday afternoon in London, and frankly, unashamedly, gloating about it. Wandered into John Lewis and entirely forgot why we'd done it. Examined some scones closely, which I'd recommend when you can't remember why you went in somewhere. Laughed, ate, drank, it was like being on a brand new honeymoon, and then, when we decided we'd had enough honeymooning in our new capital, we came home, and I bought fruit.

I'm not entirely sure how that plays in to the perfect dayness, but somehow it did. d had a nap, I went and biked away the breakfast and a couple of Starbucks. Had a fantastic dinner - steak and potato. And now, at something past midnight, I'm going to start writing down the scenes that have been writing themselves on the inside of my skull at intervals throughout the day - often, with d's help and encouragement.

See - perfect day.

I know, I know - Lottery win, day spent plumbing the depths of the Karma Sutra, day without vegetables, and with far more double-chocolate sundaes, yadda yadda yadda...
But here's the thing. I never entirely understood people who claimed to be people 'of simple tastes'. I figured there's nothing simple that can't be improved with strategic whipped cream and chocolate shavings. But today, the simple pleasure of spending the whole day with my girl was life affirming, love inspiring, and better than anything that money or chocolate can give you.

Mmmm...yay. Now, on with the writing....

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