Sunday 10 June 2012

Finding The Fun...

Blood was 5.4 this morning - seems like we're getting back into what I'd consider better control.

Today has been a Mary Poppins day. Now don't get me wrong...most of the time, I think the prissy magic-pimp with the impossible carpet-bag and made-up words needs Prozac and more orgies in her life. But every now and then, I find she said...perhaps...if I'm being generous, maybe one really valid thing...

Now admittedly, she said it just before frankly cheating madly with the clean-up operation in the nursery of two Victorian brats, but still. She said.
"In any task that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun annnnnnd - snap! - the job's a game."

Today's been like that. In particular, Disappearing today has been like that. Had a good, low-cal breakfast, courtesy of d and the amazing non-burning porridge pot (or is it just me that can't make oatmeal without burning the bejeesus out of it?), then pretty much went straightish through to dinner, which was bread salad and chicken rolls. But the day was fun and full enough to let me not care about the missed meal. Then I went to do a quick 500 caloriesworth of biking, and the fun was definitely found. Singing my head off, racing real time, I was having a great time, treating the agonies of pushing against maximum level bike resistance like something enjoyable to do in my spare time...

That was weird!

Weird, but fun. On to tomorrow, and what will NOT be a fasting Monday. I'm done with fasting Mondays just to get a good result on Tuesdays. That way just leads to false results and starvation. And then Tuesday, when we find out what Week 1 back on the wagon (of attitude, if not robustly of calorific ascetism) has have achieved.

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