Friday 22 June 2012

Behind The Curve

You ever had that feeling where whatever you do, you're absolutely certain it's not gonna be enough?

That seems to be the hallmark of today. Very little evidence to support the feeling, I should say - biked before breakfast, walked at lunchtime, about to head up for a second sneaky biking session in the hope I can convince d to sit on her arse when she gets through the door and watch an hour of her American soaps, while I sweat me guts out. So it's not like I'm not putting hte work in. It just feels, somehow, like I'm hopelessly, hopelessly behind schedule.

Same with work. Got most of my next magazine already done, and whatever isn't done is promised. But still feel like there's a world of stuff that needs doing, but which I haven't, as yet, done. Money too - doing OK for this point in the month, but feel naggingly as though there are bills I'm neglecting to open that will wash over me and swallow me down to catastrophic oblivion.

This last at least I know isn't true. So I guess it's probably just me, having a wholehearted funk about stuff.

S'probably psychological. I'm given to understand that funks usually are. All this malarkey is probably stemming from two things that I actually should have done, but haven't - finished the editing on my dad's book, and finished the writing of my own! Both of those are calling to me fairly relentlessly at the minute, and both of those I seem to be doing anything but getting on with. Have a feeling that's just resonating through all the rest of my brain at the minute. Still - weekend coming up. Possibilities to Disappear, possibilities to Get The Freak On With Things, possibilities to drop an atom-bomb of tidiness on the flat cos next weekend we have guests - Karen "Slinky" and Brian are due up from Port Talbot, yay! All sorts of possibilities, really.

Now...just nipping up to the bike for a bit.

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