Wednesday 27 June 2012

Diss Con 5 - Superman Thighs

Blood this morning was 6.0 - still higher than I'd like, especially as I took it after returning from my morning walk. Humph.

So, yes, took my morning walk, got back to doing it in 1.5 hours.
Took my lunchtime walk too - 1 extra mile, roughly, took an extra half hour, though my average speed per mile was 20 minutes. So all in all, walked about 11 miles today.

Talked to d by email this afternoon about whether we'd meet up for aqua. Short story even shorter, notsomuch. Quite thrilled about that to be honest - we aquacise, often, on a Thursday night these days, with Ma for company. This means from now on, I'm gonna switch the Wednesday night activity to "an hour on the bike at home".

Where I'm going...shortly. Gotta tell ya though - having gotten back into the exercise regime, I have thighs you could bounce tennis balls off. The kind of thighs which, if drawn in a comicbook, would have jagged lightning-bolt 'lines of power' radiating off them. Superman Thighs, in fact. All I'd need is an efficient epilator and a pair of tights, and I'd take on the Man of Steel in a Thighmaster contest...

Of course, the rest of me, by comparison, still looks like a semi-dissected frog, but hey, one thing or two at a time.

That's a question...Does Superman shave his legs to get them into those tights? Or does he only do that on nights when he's dating Lois?

If not - if he's naturally hairless in the thigh department - wonder if he gets picked on during Justic League meetings...You can imagine The Flash laughing, saying "I can grow hair in 0.000000016 of a second, SuperWuss, what's your excuse?"
"I'm alien! It's not my fault. We're all smooth on Krypton..."
"Suuuuure you are...Hey Batman, get Supergirl on the Batphone, right now, we need to check this out..."

Or maybe he just has Supertights, through which his Super-thigh-hair doesn't protrude.

In which case, why doesn't he get Superingrown hairs, eh?

Sigh...yes, of course I'm stalling, I've walked 11 miles today dammit, the bike is about as attractive as the rack right now...
OK, OK, I'm going...

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