Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Callibration Factor

Well, the headline, such as it is, is that at today's weigh-in, I was:
15 stone 9.5. A whole whopping pound lighter than last Tuesday. BUT there's a hidden headline in there somewhere - for while the news was OK last Tuesday, by Wednesday - and consistently for some days - I was back up to 15 stone 12.75. But now consistently yesterday and today, I'm 15 stone 9.5, so I find the reading more believable.

That said, we went to the diabetic nurse today, and on her scales, which she claimed had been properly callibrated and were as accurate as could be, I was 15 stone 8 in January clothes - which I've previously experimented with (cos yeah, in case you're new, I really am that sad!), and which amount to two whole pounds of clothes. So...you can judge for yourself the importance of callibration, but I've always previously resisted the lure of external scales, so even though I find the Nazi Scales a little suspect int his case, the weight I'm recording is 15 stone 9.5 pounds - two litttle, poxy pounds from this ever-elusive five-freaking-stone barrier...

Next week, dammit. Next week for sure.

Oh and while we're talking about callibration, I also did a blood test at the nurse's, and it showed as 6.2 - whereas when I got home, it showed as 4.8. Again, the importance of callibration. The nurse was still pleased with me though - apparently, (these things bloody well shift!), the safe, good-control region for blood sugar in the UK now is between 4 and 7, so I'm still well within range. She mentioned that if things continue as they've been going, I will soon be able to drop one kind of medication allllltogether. Take that, Diabetes!

Didn't actually go swimming this morning though - had planned to, but I'm sleeping pathetically at the moment - an hour here, a half-hour there...so at 4.30 this morning (oh the irony - 4.30 on a Tuesday, rather than a Monday...) I turned off the alarm and rolled over. Did manage to get 500 calories of biking in before work though, and popped to the gym for the 'taster' session this lunchtime - more biking, more push-up things, some back work and an indeterminate number of ab crunches. Fairly hateful but oddly, less boring that swimming great hulking lengths back and forth. Weird day tomorrow - either swimming and biking or just double biking in the morning...mmmm...double biking in the warm and dry...followed by a lunchtime 'pathways walk', followed, after work, by an aquacise session leading straight in to a gym taster...we'll be knackered by the end of tomorrow night (but then, saying that, we did just go out for a Chinese buffet, so I think probably we'll deserve to be knackered by tomorrow night!).

Should, in all likelihood, get back on the bike right about now, but d makes the very good point that I've spent more time on a bike today than I have in her company during the entire day, so, y'know what? Nice cup of de-caff tea, feet up, heated couches on and the last remnants of the evening spent with my girl, I reckon. Catch you all on the flipside of the exercise-a-thon...

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