Tuesday 10 January 2012

Before Breakfast

There's a fragment of a saying of which I'm fond - "...before breakfast." Think it originates in Valleys fighting-talk - "I've fought bigger than you before breakfast".

This morning, we got seemingly quite a lot done before breakfast - popped along to register with our new doctor - delightfully straightforward, if I'm honest. She saw us together, went through our meds, gave us details to book appointments with the diabetic nurse and, in d's case, the asthma nurse. She also quickly filled in forms for our gym referrals, so yay! Not sure how much we'll save on our memberships now, but will toddle along after work today and find the Hell out, frankly.

Then we went up to the local Job Centre - spoke to a very friendly guy with more than a little of Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons about him, and he gave us details to help d with her jobseeking now she's here, and also, possibly, to help me with something called tax credit. People-who-don't-know-what-tax-credit-is-say-'pa-huh?' No idea, frankly, but will investigate today.

Went down to our local McDonalds for breakfast - hey, I have my corporate addiction to Starbucks, d was starting to Jones and froth at the mouth for a McDonalds breakfast! But it feels like we ticked a lot of boxes this morning before our first calories hit the system. Look at us, we're Doing Stuff...

And could soon be doing even more. Rabidly addicted Disappearing Fans (see what I did there), if any such creature existed, would probably recall that way back in the first couple of entries, I said I wouldn't run, and I wouldn't play badminton, because of the potential impact on my left ankle, which is full of metal from a mugging fifteen years ago. However, Karen Pulley sent me a text yesterday afternoon. I'd been awake for a faintly ridiculous number of hours by then, and was on a bus heading back to the Valleys.
"Have you ever played badminton?" she asked.
"Yeah," I said. "Shedloads when I was younger. It was how I lost all my weight the first time. Why?"
"Cos I'm interested in playing some," she explained. Said I'd check with the doc today, but that I was well up for it, and so was d.
This morning, I broached the subject with the new doc.
"Would I be OK to do potentially high-impact stuff like badminton?" I said.
She looked at me as though I'd asked whether it'd be ok to wrestle aliens in custard.
"Yeah, of course...could do with the exercise," she said, and moved right the Hell along. So this is me, and this is d, preparing to shuttle cocks, or cock shuttles or whatever the Hell you do - I said I'd played a lot, but it was further back than my memory currently extends, dammit! If we keep this up, we might even wear sweatbands with no sense of irony...

Y'know, I'd like to say that'd never happen, but recently, every time I say something will never happen, it happens almost immediately and with a vengeance, as if to prove to me I have absolutely no idea what the Hell I'm talking about. Which of course should be clear to anyone reading this blog.

Oh wait - Tuesday! You'll be wanting your weigh-in figures, won't you? Well, I still haven't cracked the five stone barrier, but I am slowly inching my way there.
15 stone 8.75 this morning. All of 0.75 lighter than I was this time last week. That said, given that we've had the decadent couple of days in Cardiff for d's birthday this week, this is positively ridiculously good progress from my point of view, so notsomuch on the weeping and wailing and woe-is-meing. 1.25 pounds - should be able to crack that in the week we join the gym, right? Hell, should be able to do that before breakfast tomorrow...

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