Tuesday 3 January 2012

Loving The Nazis For New Year


There may be something to Pulley's palaver about the Nazi Scales and their floating five pounds, cos I'm fairly sure it's not medically advisable to have achieved this morning's first official weigh-in of 2012 figures.
Which are:
15 stone, 9.5 pounds!

Given that just before Christmas, I was 16 stone 1.25, and on New Year's Eve, they weighed me at 15 stone 13.75, that would be a 4.some-odd pound loss in about three days. Allllthough I guess, the day before New Year's Eve, I was 15 stone 11, which would make today's figures a reasonable loss...

Anyhow, until anyone tells me different, they're the scales I have available, and I have to trust in their judgments, even when their judgements seem far too good to be true. Sooooooo yeahhhh - two little pounds away from the five-stone barrier. More early-morning walking, here I come (though ideally, sticking to roads with pavements).

Although, thinking about it, this may not be my most energetically taxing week. Am off to Cardiff tomorrow night (d-lurgi permitting) for a two-night celebration of her birthday-cum-welcome to our new nearest-City. Not even sure I'm taking the computer with me, to be honest, so, as with our holiday in Amroth, might do tomorrow's entry, then do two when I get back on the 6th.

If it's any consolation, it's a spa hotel we're going to, so they'll have a gym, so I'll probably try and get some gymming done while we're away...
Whaddaya mean, that's not what celebrating your wife's birthday's about? Humpf...

So anyway, loving the Nazi Scales right about now, and basking in their benificence on this cold-as-buggery, gale-force-windy day.

Oh and the blood was down to 4.1 this morning. Hmm...

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