Sunday 15 January 2012

Cowboys and Slayers and Favourite Things

Good day. Sian brought our god-daughters, Brianna and Epona, round to visit. Fun times with the youngsters, and we went out for lunch (yep - AGAIN!).
We explained to Sian about my "I always face North" mental block, and she lost it completely, laughing so hard I thought French Fries would come down her nose.
"That makes sense of everything!" she gasped, having been with me on many, many occasions when I've turned right, thinking it was right, and turning out wrong. It was like she heard the universe click into place on discovering this single piece of information - just as d and I did when we discovered it.

Our 'heated couches' discovered a whole new bunch of adherents today - we seem to be spreading the word, one ass at a time - Lee and Rebecca didn't want to leave this week (and Reb posted the idea on her Facebook page as a result - did I mention she's a celebrity?). Today, two children and a fully-grown 8-stone woman were highly tempted to curl up like cats and just purr away their afternoons on our couches. The secret, incidentally - double underbed mattress-warmers (not electric blankets), spread on the bottom and back of the couches, then covered in faux-fur throwns that envelop the couches completely. Switch on. Purr.

Epona definitely stole the title of 'Speaker of the Best Line of the Day,' though. Just as she was getting into the car to go home, she looked at me, in my Disappearing Coat, and scarf, and what-other-people-see-as-a-cowboy hat, and grinned.
"You look like a Slayer," she said, waving goodbye. I fell about, in laughter and also, relatively speaking, thrill. Not sure it was necessarily meant as a compliment, but given that until recently, I looked like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, I'm happy to take 'Slayer chic' as a positive improvement!

We went to Tesco for some baiscs, and as we were coming down the escalator, d nudged me.
"Idiots coming from the South," she muttered.
"What?" I asked.
"Scuse me!" called the leader of a group of teenage girls behind us - Ah! Behind us=South, of course.
"You a cowboy?" she asked, the thicknes of her Valleys accent adding an extra-special veneer to the stupidity.
I turned.
"Yes..." I said, dropping any ounce of Welsh out of my own accent, and aiming for a Jeevesian contempt.
"Really?!" she asked.
I raised the hat.
"Yee...ha..." I said, bringing my best cut-class out to play. The girls burst into giggles, and we fucked very definitely off.

Home now, watching a programme that poses the question: What are the best things you've ever eaten?
Of course, to make the programme work, they break the foods up into 'types'. Just watched 'messy food' and now there's 'best barbecue'...

Gets you thinking though. Best things I've ever eaten...mmmm...

Can't put these into any particular order, but I'm thinking...Goulash by one of my old friends from wife's macaroni cheese...first time d cooked lobster. Onion soup and honey bread from the Outback steakhouse. One bite of prime rib at Aunt Millys, just off the Indian Reservation in Irving New York. Cheese and potato pie by a woman I only ever knew as Mrs Bliss when I was age...probably-10. Meat loaf, dammit, d-style. A fantastic little goats-cheese and balsamic onion...creation from one of the restaurants we managed to close in Stratford. Parisian patisseries. Roman pasta. Ohhh! Pizza subs from CJs in Westfield, NY. Risotto - by d.

Plenty more, most of them in all probability made by d (my brain is not what it was!). I also have a feeling that some of my favourite things are yet to hit me. Watching Food TV kinda gives you that idea. What are some of yours, folks? What haven't I tried yet that I really should, when I reach my so-called 'target weight'? What meals would you recommend if you had, say, a week to live, or a life to properly enjoy?

1 comment:

  1. Giggles at your affirmation of being a cowboy, some years ago I was dressed in my finest Goth, ala my facebook profile picture and a long very nice coat and was walking down to the fountain shop in Merthyr to get cigs before heading to the Belle. Anyway some of the finest idiots the valleys could muster decided to yell "Are you a f**king vampire" after me. I was all set to respond with the raised finger when a gust of wind turned my coat into a cloak so I raised both hands......... exit morons running for their lives! Was so funny I had to call the states immediately and share it with one of my friends there!
