Sunday 29 January 2012

Best Exercise Accessory...Ever

Meant to mention this a couple of days ago, but blood on Friday was 4.8. Blood this morning, on a single pill, was 5.2 - still within acceptable boundaries apparently, so time to examine my meds on a more fundamental basis come Tuesday's nurse appointment, probably.

Today has been all about chaos. In trying to empty boxes, I've basically created chaos out of order in the office. Once I'm done writing this of course, I'll go and try and reverse the process, minus the boxes. I'm not sure the universe works quite like, but hey - pissing off the universe is one of the many things I'm about.

Apart from that, there's a big rumour today - that we're due a big Siberian wind, loaded with 'tumps' of snow - official Weather Channel word, by the way, when did that happen?

Now it should be pointed out that, as yet, there is no snow where we are. Further up the Valley, yes, but nowhere near us or our travel direction when I bugger off to Cardiff, and then London, in the morning. BUT - it could happen. So my boss has allowed me to opt out of the UberCommute tomorrow. Awoohoo!

Going back upstairs now, to re-excavate the bike (turned it on briefly earlier, peddled a little, felt my heart sing a song of Back In The Saddle joy and love between a man and a piece of electrical exercise equipment, got off - delayed gratification and all that. Ahhhh, it's great to be alive with an exercise bike in the shadow of a rumour of snow - it means you can eradicate the calorific memory of everything you've eaten and stay up later than 9PM. I ask you - does life get any better than that?

Oh wait - being thin enough to eat desserts, right...

Well...sonofabitch, that was a beautiful moment ruined, wasn't it?

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