Saturday 21 January 2012

An Intervention

"Yeah?" I was three steps up on our staircase, preparing to trudge the rest of the way and throw myself into the work of turning a box-room into a functional office.
"It's blue out there."
I looked. She was right.
"You're right..." I acknowledged.
"Why don't you go for a walk while it's nice and bright?"
A couple of minutes later, I was out there, repeating my walk of earlier this week - up a steep hill, then another steep hill, then a flat bit, then another steep hill, then a long windy flat-ish bit, and finally a long long windy downhill bit to home. Couple of miles probably, but it makes you feel terribly virtuous to do something after weeks and weeks of doing Not Very Much At Freakin' All...

On which subject, pal of mine did an e-intervention for me tonight. This is Karen. Not Karen Who Shall Be Called Mae, or Karen Pulley, but Champion Slimmer Karen, who, for reasons lost (for the protection of the not entirely innocent) in the mists of teenage time, I always think of as Karen KrazyKlaws, or KK for short (yes, fellow pedants, I know that should make it KKK, but that's a whole world of unnecessary confusion, don'tcha think?).

She popped up on Facebook this evening and told me - in her stern voice no less - to pull my finger out, get off my arse and do something, cos she was sick of blogs that were basically "ate loads, did buggerall, feel wretched, boohoo, am gonna have put on weight on Tuesday, waaaaah!" The Chronicles of the Reappearing Man, in short.

She's not the only one. I'm bloody sick of them myself. While walking round the Valley today, I was musing. As ya do. It's like the whole of January has been a limbo-month, filled with work and boxes. I'd like to tell you this will all snap into place and a better, more Disappeary rhythm will kick in soon. And it occurs to me that this is pretty much in my power to do, isn't it? Getting out and doing stuff is in my power. Finding the damn bike power chord would give me a huge amount of control back over my destiny.

Come Monday, I will have been a resettled Welshman for a month. Seems weirdly fitting somehow that apparently, d and I have our gym-for-half-price induction meetings on Monday. It's the kind of meeting for which you're advised to "wear loose clothing". I'm thinking there may be sweat involved. And I've had about six weeks off from any kind of proper work-out. This could get messy. But messy in a positive, ass-kicking, setting-foot-back-inside-a-gym kinda way.

I'm done being the Reappearing Man. Time to get back on course, dammit. Tomorrow, more walking.

So tonight, just a quick thankyou to KK, for an e-kick in the ass. Limbo is done. Focus has returned. The game's afoot and all that!

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