Monday 31 October 2011

The Temporal Rebate Enthusiasm

Got up at 6 again this morning, stepped outside and discovered something was deeply, deeply...right.

Of course over this last weekend, we've put our clocks back an hour, so the dreadful early morning darkness has been vanquished by the simple expedient of us all agreeing that the time it was this time last week, it simply isn't anymore. I stepped out this morning into lightening indigo, rather than depressing squid-ink. Personally, given the positivity this infused into my steps this morning, I think we should go further. How about putting the clocks back three hours, or five? Then my previously murderous 6AM walks would actually be nice brisk, bright 11AM walks and nobody would feel an urge to stick a stiletto through my head. On which subject, having learned from last week, I made sure to warn d of my intentions in sufficient time yesterday, and am both bruise-free and unscowled-at for my efforts. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

Thinking about it, doesn't the whole Pavlov's Dogs experiment pretty much de-bunk that whole idea? Or am I only skim-reading his results? (Shrugs). Not that this matters in the least.

Another busy week, this one - got a magazine to get out, and a journal to proof, and no, before you ask, they're absolutely not the same thing, thankyouverymuch, and bad eyeball news to chase up - after my prodding last week, have had a stern letter from the doctors saying "Oh blimey, your eyes are crap, aren't they - call us. Call us now...there is absolutely nothing to worry about at this stage."And then of course there's Tuesday to think about too - except I'm not, and you can't make me, so nehh!

But all of this is somehow made rather better by that indigo sky - and by the fact that our Macs at work (hateful supermodel computers, the lot of them) hadn't worked out that we'd changed the time, and so lulled me into a false sense of urgency this morning, meaning when I just had a phone conversation with someone who insisted it was morning, I was doubly delighted to find out he was still, actually, right. Lighter skies, extra time to do all the mountains of stuff I have to do - this week could only really be improved by a mind-bogglingly positive result tomorrow.

No, I'm not promising one, just saying - that'd be extra cool. In fact, if that happened, I'd probably petition Parliament to put the clocks back an hour every week, to the point where every couple of weeks, we'd gain half a day. As long as these were always implemented on a Saturday morning, giving us two Friday nights for the price of one, I don't think anyone'd mind...would they?

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