Saturday 15 October 2011

Lines From The Dark


Short one this. Woke up this morning, watched Wales get partially robbed, and partially forget how to kick field goals, then went for an adventure in the city with d. Came home feeling, I thought, diabetically discombobulated. Around 3.30, decided to go for a mid-afternoon nap. Just woke up, and going straight back, frankly. Feel lousy and in a world of wrongness - the light's too light, the heat's too hot, the cold's too cold, me joints are aching, me stomach's churning and me head feels like some joker's inflating a balloon inside me skull...

Just woke up, as I said, and was laying there going "Sod the lot of ya..." Except you wouldn't be sodded, wouldn't let me just turn over and get back to sleep. So here you are - a bad-tempered collection of lines, written in almost complete darkness because my eyeballs feel like they're going to pop any second. Now, if you'll excuse me, am buggering off back to me pit with a sleeping pill, and I'll see you tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Awwww. Sending you hugs and chicken soup ... from a safe distance. ;)

    Feel better soon mister. xxx
