Monday 10 October 2011


Woke up this morning at 6ish, when d, knowing my desire to get back on the early-morning-walking kick, prodded me gently into life.
"Hey," she said.
"Oh God," I muttered.
"Ah-huh," she agreed, going two-thirds of the way to a reasonable Elvis impression.
"Oh God," I muttered again.
"It's six o'clock...ish," she said, pulling the blankets up over her shoulder.
"I need to pee," I said, apropos of nothing. I'm not sure where this habit of ours came from - the announcement of bodily needs and functions. I mean, we're fully grown adults, not five-year-olds that need an escort to the bathroom. But still, it's what we do. As if to give me permission, d gave a blanketty mumble.
I got up, padded down to the bathroom. That's when it hit me - it was dark. Still completely dark. As I peed, I looked out of the bathroom window.
"Black," I muttered, pretty much to my own penis.

I padded back to the bedroom, and saw two paths ahead of me. One led to socks and shoes and trudging through the streets of morning the dark.

The other path was warm and snuggly for another whole hour.
The warm and snuggly path won.

See, I'd thought ahead for that great British contingency - rain - and decided that, on days when it was pissing down, I wouldn't be stupid about it. But I'd never considered the possibility of Seasonal Affective Disappearing...the sheer crappiness of walking in darkness when your brain says it really shouldn't be dark.

I slept for another whole gorgeous snoring hour, and then did something I've been promising to do - I got out the weights, and did ten pathetic little curls per hand with the lightest, almost baby-weights, and ten little sit-ups. Have to tell you, these were the first proper sit-ups I've done in about a decade, and I sat up and begged for there to be no such thing as sit-ups left in the world, frankly. But then I buggered off into the day. Annnnd now onto the bike, though muscles and brain are both kinda telling me "Look, it's dark again, go to sleeeeeep".

Bike, bike, bike dammit...

Blood was 4.8 this morning, incidentally - maybe there's a place, in these darkening days, for pre-work sitting-up and curling.

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