Friday 14 October 2011

Kindle Day

Blood yesterday was 5.5, blood this morning, 5.1.

Quite a few things happened today. First of all, I wasn;'t in work today - I had an appointment at 10.15 to get my eyeballs prodded. This little ritual is an annual joyfest for the diabetics in your midst - every year, at least once a year, a hopefully-kindly optomotrist or ophthalmologist will invite you into a room and temporarily blind you with chemicals, and then ask you to read something you can in no way see, and then take pictures of the backs of your eyeballs...

This is exactly as much fun as it sounds, so yay.

Then, being as I had walked to the appointment and back, and couldn't see anything but colours and shapes, I went to Pizza Hut for lunch.

Pizza Hut has gone depressing, did you know that? All of their pizzas now come with calorie information on a per-slice and per-topping basis. Which allowed me to work out I'd eaten around half my daily intake of calories on what was both breakfast and lunch...

And yes, I worked out it would take 20 miles of biking to make my day lunch-neutral, and yes, I worked out that on any ordinary day, by the time I'm done with breakfast and lunch, I've eaten rrrround about a thousand calories. What? You didn't expect me to work this shit out while I was semi-blind and stuffing cheese and chicken into my system? Puh-lease, you must be new...

Spent most of the afternoon squinting at emails waiting for them to come into focus and failing, and intending to bike for 20 miles and failing. Went out with d to the Westfield centre for dinner, because she was itching to give me my birthday present scandalously early. (Six days early and counting, folks - at which point, by the way, it lookds fan-freaking-tastically unlikely that I'm going to meet my mini-race deadline of getting to the four-stone mark by my birthday. So we ate sausage sandwiches for dinner, shared a great evening, and came home. She gave me my present. Have a look at the title of this entry and see if you can work out what it was.

We'll wait...

Doobeedoodoo...doobeedoodoo...doobeedoodooo -dip! deeboobeedoobee

Yep! Got me a kickass Kindle, and I'm a happy boy...the reason tonight's entry comes to you screamingly tight under the wire is cos I've been writing lists of books to download and downloading some, and charging it up and planning the rest of my life's reading...
And nope, still haven't done my biking. Seems freakin' unlikely at this point, so what we have here is a day of pretty much relaxation - don't care much, because I have a feeling the system can stretch to accommodate days like this. Tomorrow - there will be biking...

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