Thursday 24 April 2014

The Sleep Deprivation Tango

OK, this has to stop. 4.5 hours of sleep two nights ago, 5.5 hours of couch-snoring last night, meant when I woke up this morning and d said "It's six o'clock, Gym Bunny," my immediate response was to curl up into a foetal ball and whimper.

But five minutes later, I got off my couch, got dressed and buggered off to the gym. I will be honest though - this morning's Dalek Biking session was rather more gentle - and therefore rather more prolonged - than the previous couple of mornings'.

Breakfast was the same. Lunchtime saw me at a funeral, and as I sit here, haven't had dinner as yet.

Have dug out and begun to use my blood testing kit again, incidentally - (apply serious, determined face here). Seems only sensible to keep a track of my blood sugars, so at least I can know when and by how much I'm out of balance on the Disappearing journey. Haven't yet set in stone the times to test, so the first few results are rather random - 9.0 two nights ago after a rice and chicken meal, 6.3 last night before dinner at 9, and 10.1 this morning after my two hours in the gym and a porridge and frappe breakfast (yes, yes, I know, I'm getting ready to ditch the frappe...)

The rest of the day has seen me dancing the sleep deprivation tango - Came home form the gym and thought "Hmm - achy shoulder muscles. Don't shower - have a bath. A nice soak..."
I was bollock naked and had one foot in the bath when a bloke in a hi-vis jacket and a hard hat walked across the top third of the bathroom window, preparing to add external wall insulation to the flats. I...may....just possibly...have squealed like a cheerleader. Brazening it out though, I sank quickly beneath the bubbles. I'd been there about ten minutes when my tablet, on which I'd been reading a novel till my eyelids started drooping, exploded into sound, and my day-job boss popped up on the screen, asking if I could join the rest of the office staff for a quick Skype meeting. Once I'd defibrilated to get my heart going again, I gratefully acknowledged that the "video call" option wasn't engaged.
"Err...give me ten minutes," I said, de-foaming in a hurry.

It's been that sort of day. Tonight, there WILL be sleep.
The question of whether there will be gym in the morning remains as yet undecided. Have avoided going down to Starbucks all week, but today the drilling has begun again in earnest, this time on the side of the flat where my office is housed, so I feel a Starbucks day coming on. Whether I do the gym first, or come home and bike at home, which remains of course and option, I don't know yet.

Exciting being me sometimes, isn't it?

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