Sunday 27 April 2014

The Nottingham Conundrum

I am perplexed.
Find me a per and I'll plex it like it's never been plexed before.

Today's been relatively ordinary - breakfast was coffee, lunch was the rest of yesterday's homemade pizza, there has been 500 calories of biking and much water, and shortly it'll be dinner time - as far as I know, it's chicken and potatoes and broccoli, oh my!

But then there's tomorrow.
Tomorrow, as I mentioned yesterday, I bugger off to Nottingham for - please, any available gods or demons! - the final overnight conference I have to attend this year without d. Turns out my train to Nottingham's not till early afternoon, which gives me plenty of time, in theory and what some people call reality, to get another two-hour gym session in when I wake up in the morning.
So there's my perplexity:
To gym or not to gym, that is the question.
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the sweats and grunting of the Dalek Gym-Bikes,
Or to take off, ignore the call of muscle, and buy a Starbucks, or six.

I honestly don't know. I know what I should do, which of course is to go the gym - I'm going to be without any more exercise for two days, possibly three. But inclination drives me...
...Well, let's be honest here, deadlines drive me to think perhaps option 2 is the more likely one, and actually the better one in my current situation.

Sigh - let's see what happens tomorrow. Dinner's coming...

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