Sunday 23 September 2012

The Chastity Boots

There are some things in life which just feel ineffably more satisfying if done by someone else.

(I'm going to pause for a beat here, while I let your own undoubtedly perverted minds go through your own appalling lists...)

One of those things, as it happens, is the preparation for a big physical endeavour. d particularly has a thing about doing up my boots before a big long walk. We got to our hotel yesterday, and it hardly seemed any time at all before it was time to head out. I put on my boots.
"Put it up here," said d. I raised my eyebrows at her.
"The boot," she smirked at me.
I put my booted foot up on her knee, and she threaded my laces. When she yanked them tight, it was half playful dominatrix, half Mammy and Scarlett O'Hara.
I opened my mouth to say something, but she stopped me with her eyes, then put the one foot down, and pulled up the other one. A few more seconds of lace-threading and I was done.

"Rrrrawr..." I said. She grinned at me.
"Don't suppose we have time for a little ravishing, do we?" I asked.
"Go nuts," she smirked. "If you can get your boots off..."
I thought about it for a moment, then my head drooped.
"Dammit," I said.
She smirked at me again.
"You know I can't bear to undo your...handiwork," I growled.
She grinned.
"When I get back, lady, there's gonna be some powerful ravishing goin' on..."
"When you can get out of your chastity boots," she said, grinning.

Needless to say, when I stumbled in after walking 20 miles - the first ten easy, the second ten, after having sat down for a fatal half-hour, hellish - I was sweaty and blistered and chafing and raw.
"Take your boots off baby..." mumbled d, almost in her sleep.
"Damn damn damn..." I muttered, half delirious with exhaustion. "Lemme sleep a bit first, eh?"

When I woke up, d was smiling down at me.
"Breakfast, honey," she said.
"Ravishing!" I said, waking fully.
"Well...sure, we could do that...but the restaurant will be closing in an hour."
"Damn damn damn," I said again, and the day began in earnest.

Haven't worn the boots all day...

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