Sunday 30 September 2012

The Aha! Insufficiency


There's probably a word, somewhere in the darker corners of the English language, for that terribly British stiff-upper-lipped sense of satisfaction one gets from having planned to do something for a long time, and attempted it, and failed to achieve it, and then finally gotten the fuck around to it. It's not exactly a "Eureka!" moment, and it can't even be properly exultant, cos you know if you were the kind of person you want to be, you would have achieved this thing on your first attempt, not been dicking about for a week or so trying to get to it and failing. But still, when you finally do a thing like that, there should be a word.

"Aha!" doesn't really cut it.

And it's important not to get me wrong here - I still haven't done the thing I've been planning to do all week: which in my case is get my arse on the exercise bike and...well, exercise. What I have done is finally uncover the bloody thing, so  as of Tuesday, I'll be all set to go on it.

Hmm...wonder if, somewhere in the darker corners of the English language, there's a word for the sense of anticlimax we feel when the subject of some suspense is built up and up and then, when it's finally revealed, it turns out to be not really worth all the build-up?

Monday tomorrow - UberCommute, much coffee, little food. Then we start kicking up a gear on Tuesday...


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