Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Excuses Diaries

OK, so the headline of today is that yep, I've put on a shitload, but it's marrrrginally less than I'd bargained for.

Today's weigh-in: 16 stone 11.75.

So rather than the next 28 pounds, I'm looking at the next 25.75. This has a weird effect, because even though I've put on  nearly five pounds in the space of a week, it feels like I've got out of jail at least partially free.

Was talking to Karen "Slinky" earlier by text. Told her I'd put on about two stone (give or take) in recent months, and she said something telling to me.

"You can either lose weight or make excuses. You can't do both."

She's right, of course. I've been making excuses for a while now, because my focus has shifted and drifted and slipped out of discipline. There comes a point of course among all the re-starts that the Crying Wolf principle of "Yeah, we've heard this before dude" kicks in when you hear that the drifting stops here. I understand that completely - and I'm not gonna lie to you, the deadlines remain intense in my life at the minute, and the dad-visiting looks set to continue for another week, minimum. But these are really just excuses. The thing to do is adjust, rather than be swept away. Adjust, add the exercise into the routine, re-establish a metabolically pro-active routine...get off my ass, eat fruit and veg and protein rather than carb...get back to a routine that aids the Disappearing principle.

Rather than sitting on my arse, hypnotised by deadlines, doing no exercise and eating carb at stupid times of night.

What can possibly go wrong, eh?

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