Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Pizzanoia Principle

Be calm, ya mad bugger.
Did a walk this morning - not my six-miler, but about a four-miler, which, as I write this, is enough to put me within 300 steps or so of my daily 10,000. Have burned 629 calories. Had 200 calories of porridge for breakfast.

However, come lunchtime, I went with d to the local place, Plas Coffi, which is becoming increasingly lethal around lunchtime. Was thrilled to see it thronged today, but ate my way through a piza there.

The thing about a day like yesterday - a 15-mile, 1500 calorie kind of day - is that it sends you jusssst a little bit insane, because you think "Oh wow - endorphins, man. Need to get me some more of those bad boys. Mmm...maybe I could do another day like that, could I Mugsy, could I, huh? Huh? HUH????!" - at which point you need a swift slap upside the head to bring you down off the ceiling as you think you feel your body fat burning away.

Had a pizza for lunch and now - because I have that sort of imagination - I can visualise the cheese elbowing organs gently to one side as it makes a semi-permanent home on my belly. All this is is a matter of turning the brain through a couple of degrees of the dial, till it goes 'click' and lands in 'Rational' territory. 629 calories is not bad. It's the porridge and the first few mouthfuls of pizza. And I have yet to get on the bike - that delight I'm saving for once I've been up to the local PC World with my poorly sick laptop, which may need cremating, or may be in line for a resurrection. I only hope it doesn't take three days, because that would really rather screw me up right about now.

Should say that since the pizza, I've only had water and a crust of home-made bread and butter (Have you been to my life, by the way? It's kind of like The Waltons), and I'm feeling full as full can be, so I'm not anticipating needing to eat much more tonight. Now if I can just click over from "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned - I did eat the ungodly pizza of deliciousness!" to "Yum. Now, moving on..." I'll be fine.

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