Saturday 27 June 2015

The Breakfast Indulgence

No sooner do I write a blog entry about how the piecrust pledge is still technically in place than I run out of time and energy to complete the dialy task, dammit - no biking got done by me last night. Curses! And naughty words, to boot.
So that's that dream gone - but there's still time to deliver a properly pleasing result by Tuesday.

Unfortunately, today hasn't helped that either, in all likelihood.  Fewer than 5000 steps walked in a day of mostly-ghostwriting, and a double decker breakfast of yoghurt and compote, followed by sausage baguetter. Gorgeous stuff, courtesy of Cote restaurant in Cardiff, but much guilt-making. I was going to walk the Trail again tonight, but a combination of a plea from d to remember what colour my eyes are and a prodding of a pair of proto-blisters that made me yelp like a whipped mutt convinced me to think a-freakin'-gain. I'm about to pay my penance to the biking gods (Oddly enough, I invented a couple of biking gods just a week or so ago, on a prompt from my mate Sian. they're a set of twins - she has black hair with gold tips. She's called Vroom and she fuels the fire of life. He's called Coaxthethreottle and ensures the road never truly ends. No freaking idea why I decided to tell you this right now. This is essentially just me rambling into the wall rather than getting on the bike).

As I say, the penance must be paid - much Sudoku will be done tonight, dammit, as the pedals must be turned and the calories must be burned.

Am I going into that demented territory of previous Disappearances, where I now feel like whipping myself up and down the street for being a weak-minded bastard? No - still, to this point, the madness appears not to have touched me. I'm a little disappointed in myself, but more than anything else, I'm just determined to keep my focus pushing the numbers in the right direction. So yeah - had a breakfast indulgence. Now about to bike my ass off. And on we go - the road never ends as long as there's fuel in your tank.

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