Saturday 23 April 2011

Weight Watchers

Well, they've arrived. I am now the slightly bemused owner of a set of dumb-bells. So far, I've sat there, pedalling and looking at them, wondering exactly what possessed me. Panic, I think, at the elongated holiday and its attendant break from routine.

Yeah, I know, we should all have my problems, right?

They're kinda cool, it has to be said, They're all sort of rubbery, and heavy as Hell, and they come with an instruction manual - which of course, when you're my particular kind of arse, is handy...although it rather ruins the potential for blog entries about broken toes and torn ligaments and the like...Ah well, so much for that.

But I haven't yet had the courage to actually do anything as dangerous as lift them out of the box. After all, one thing at a time.

What I have done is worn the other thing that, apparently, d told me she was buying, but to which I didn't listen.
You may be aware of a trend a while back - chiefly, as far as I'm aware, among women - for strapping velcro-patches with weights in them to their wrists and ankles, so that 'doing ordinary tasks' becomes a kind of allegedly low-impact workout. We now own a set of those too. Of course, being a humungo-bloke, nothing's quite that straightforward. So for a while this afternoon, I wore what were supposed to be ankle-weights on my wrists. Five pounds apiece. It was kind of like wearing huge Hulk hands, except notsomuch "Hulk Smash!" as "Tony Swing Huge Heavy Hands Like Orang-Utan, Get Knackered, Tear Off Heavy Hands In Stroppy Fit And Sit Sulking On Bike, Staring At Weights, Feeling Altogether Mental..."

So what else has today involved? Not a huge amount, to be fair - Blood was 5.0, so pretty good. Haven't actually moved outside the door, but that's to be expected - start of a new season of Doctor Who, bad things, complicated things, can happen if you go outside, altogether not worth the risk. Ate a meal about which I'm not going to tell you anything, for no particular reason other than I've been asked not to tell you anything (really rather inkeeping with The Impossible Astronaut, for those that saw it, no?). Did fifteen miles of cycling. Other than that, not a whole Hell of a lot. On the upside, things are progressing - weights, bought. First swimming session, agreed: Mae's free next Saturday, so we've pencilled in a session of water-toddling for then.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and stare at my new weights some more...

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