Thursday 7 April 2011

A Draino Sort Of Day

Just got home at about 9PM. d came out my way and we had a 'Holy crap, thank Thursday it's nearly payday' meal, and then strolled in the suddenly Summer evening breeze from High Street Kensington pretty much to Hammersmith station. I jumped straight on the computer to write this blog when we got in, and sat here, blinking. Thing is, it's been one of those days when lots of little things have happened, but nothing exactly thematic or particularly funny.

"Then get on the bike. If nothing's coming, don't force it," said d. "Besides, I need to get on the machine to add Draino to the grocery order..."

Ahhhh, Draino. That'll be something. It's definitely been a Draino kind of day.
Draino is something we don't exactly have over here, but it's basically drain dynamite - clears your pipes of gunk and leaves your plumbing all clean and shiny and new. And we need that right now because at the moment, we're living notsomuch in the House That Dripped Blood as the House That Wept Vomit. No idea where it's coming from, but our house right now smells as though a drunk has collapsed underneath it in a puddle of his own sick. Hence the need for Draino.

Meanwhile, I'm still obediently taking my own personal Draino - the Xenical is going down, meal by meal, mouthful by mouthful, I'm taking the Draino, and, true to the promise on the box, it's clearing out my personal plumbing, leaving me...well, not exactly all clean and shiny and new, more exhausted and crampy and terrified to fart. Oddly enough, it's the meals I'm getting during the day at our canteen that are leaving me bug-eyed and with nether regions dyed a kind of iodine-orange. Clearly, something needs to change here, because I can't go on indefinitely like this, despite enjoying the effect and the knowledge that the Xenical is helping me in this quest to lose safe amounts of weight, consistently, week on week. Perhaps the time is right to add a certain amount of formula to my daytime diet. From Monday, I might try bulk-buying lunch elements, and making my own simple, less deadly lunches than I'm currently over-paying for in the canteen.

I guess the lesson here is if you don't clog up the drain in the first place, you don't need the Draino - or in my case, it doesn't turn your plumbling inside out.

Dunno where the vomit-stench in the house is coming from, because as far as I know, neither of us have been clogging up the pipes. Still, makes me glad the Draino's there.

Oh, on a side note, my pal Mae texted me earlier to say "You still haven't started posting blood sugars..."
Hopefully, this vaguely pointless but authentically uncheatable info will be coming your way from Tuesday - I dug out my old testing kit when this experiment started. The long and the short of it's knackered. I'm seeing the diabetic nurse on Monday night, and hope to get a brand, spanking new kit from her then. So...there's something to keep you glued to your seats, eh? After all, I'm glued to a seat, why should you be any different...

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