Thursday 14 April 2011

How Can You Miss Me If I Don't Go Away?

Right, that's it, I'm outta here, history, gonesville. It's adios Hell-Bike, so long Hyde Park, see ya later tedious walks to tube stations and fuck you later orange oily toilet-glue.

Nonono, I'm not giving up. I'm going away for the weekend. In fact, we both are, which is the best kind of going away. Now, hold onto your hats here, we're not flying down to Rio for rum drinks and sexy dancing. We're going to the rock and roll (broken) hip-fest that is Bognor....RRRrrrreeeeeeeeegisssssss...

Oh yeah, you heard me. Sun...if we're lucky. Sea...guaranteed. With my parents, but get this, cos I'm saying it once - I'm at that age where seeing them is actually a good thing (and no, before you ask, I'm not coming down with this anything). Indoor swimming pool, and, normally, zero in the way of people. The seven million fuckwits who live in this wonderful, wonderful city are, mainly, still gonna be here. Don't take this personally if I say Ahahahahaha!

Now, this is major league 'weekends-bearing-gifts' temptation of course. But if there's one thing that can be absolutely, categorically guaranteed about a weekend with my mother, it's that there will be Things To Do. There will be Walks To Be Had, and while there will be much talking and stopping and watching people drink tea and eat scones, there will be also be rampant sackfuls of structure and well-timed, protein-based meals. It's about as close to a health farm as can be got while still being fun.

Which leads us to the question of whether or not I take you lot with me. As the title of this post suggests, there's probably something to be gained from me going the Hell away for a few days and leaving you in peace without blethering on about my weight, or my blood, or my this, or my that or yadda freakin' yadda till the cows come marching home.

Well, tough.

Bottom line, at least in these early stages - oh yeah, did I mention, we're still in the early stages? Recently checked the whole BMI thing, and apparently, from where I was last time I weighed, I have 8 stone 10 to lose before I get to 'Healthy' - that's 122 pounds, for the non-stone-conversant...Anyway, in these early stages, what I need is structure. And now, you're It. Having to write this blog every day has become part of the actual process of this you're coming with.
Incidentally, didn't know any of this till I was pondering whether or not to take the laptop with me. Apparently, I've erected a new perspex box in the form of this blog. Must be done, or the day's not complete. Now of course, if something accidental happens, I'm not gonna freak and feel a failure and weep bitter tears into my Ryvita...If it happens by accident - as it very nearly did last Saturday - then fine. But if I can help it, then screw it, there are gonna be 365 entries in this blog's first year.

That said, I've just clambered off the bike, and now I'm going to snore like a snorey fool, so as to have the energy for Bognor tomorrow. No, look, seriously, you DO need energy for Bognor with my mother...


Oh and for those keeping up - blood sugar - 5.3 this morning. Bored with these blood results yet? I am. I'm only still giving them cos I said I would. Let me know if you really still want them, or they're history in the blog.

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