Tuesday 19 April 2011


So, weight this morning was 19 stone, 9.5. Against all odds, I've actually lost my regulation two pounds. Which is moderately exciting, because it means that I'm one standard-week away from my first stone of weight loss.

I know! Seven weeks, 12 pounds. Not bad at all, really.

But before we all jump out of our seats and do more silly dancing, it's come at something of a price, which I need to get around if I'm not to hopelessly backslide.

You'll remember me wittering on yesterday about how I'd ended up walking all over the district. Well, when I pulled off my sock last night, it turned out that I'd not only developed, but also burst a whacking great blister on my right foot.

d frowned, and invoked her right as spouse.
"No more walking for a while," she said. "Not till that's healed."
Now, if you're a regular reader, you'll imagine I whined, and bitched, and got around it somehow.

Nope. d's got the right to pull this veto, because a) she's my wife, and b) she knows I'm diabetic, and diabetics and foot weirdness are a bad mix.

I know this particularly because of my biological dad. He was an...erm...epic character. When I knew him as a kid, he was a desperate drunk. In later life, when I got back in touch with him, he was a diabetic. He got what was essentially a hangnail. Being the man that he was, he thought "Ach, it's just a hangnail," and went about his business - which, by then, didn't so much include being a roaring alcoholic as being a warm, laughing step-dad and grandad to a whole new generation. The hangnail turned septic. And then gangrenous. And then started creeping up his foot. And then his leg. Waiting for the NHS to do its thing, it wasn't until the gangrene was halfway up his leg that they took him in, and by then it was to amputate the green half. They took half his leg off, and he'd been in such pain for so long that his heart gave out, and he died.

Like I say, diabetics and foot weirdness - not a good mix. So if d says don't walk till your foot's healed, you can bet your gangrenous ass, I'm not walking till my foot's healed. Which - again, as a diabetic - might take a while longer than you'd expect for your common-or-garden blister.

I'm thinking I'll be fine on the bike, so I'm gonna have to increase pace and distance for this week - or rather, this fortnight (more on that later in the week), to maintain the weight loss, let alone try and push on forward. But still, for the day, a good result.

Oh and blood - 5.2 this morning.

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