Friday 4 March 2016

The Curry Divergence

"How does curry and rice sound?"
"Sounds very much like I love you forever."

You see, this is the problem with writing something down. The minute you do, it's set in stone, and you're not, and life has a way of throwing gorgeous tasty curved balls your way.
After I wrote last night's parable, d posed the question to me, and curry and rice was indubitably had. Delivery schedules being what they are though, biking was equally indubitably not done.
So - yay, part of me did a little jig of joy and determined to be nicer to small dogs and maiden aunts, because after all, the world was a lovely place.

The thing is, I could sort of get away with it yesterday. Was rather an active day, given that both my day job and my company involve me, as mentioned, in an awful lot of Sitting Down. By the time d's offer came, my phone was saying "Well done, you, you've hit your active minutes target," and even the Fitbit, which is a rather more gruelling taskmaster, was nodding brusquely and saying "Not bad. Could be better, but not bad."

Today? Notsomuch. The phone is kind of looking up at me with puppydog eyes, asking "Dude, what happened?" The Fitbit has been taken off, to give my wrist an airing and stop the electronic personal trainer from curling up in disgust. Much high-quality Sitting has been done today, with the result that I can cross a number of annoying things off my To Do List, leaving almost entirely fun things for the next week or so. On the other hand, my body's sitting here crying, going all "You don't love me any more!"

Quite where it gets the idea I ever loved it from, I'm not entirely sure. But so it is that this is a shortish entry - I need to bog right off, right now, and jump on the bike for a sliver of sweaty unpleasantness, before showering and dining and doing, tonight, no further work whatsoever.

Life, as far as I can see, is a mixture of getting kicked in the nuts and then, mysteriously, not. Take a curry diversion when one pops up into your life, it's like a bonus level of pleasure, and you deserve it.

Because the exercise bike will always be waiting for your ass to pay it homage.

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