Tuesday 12 February 2019

The Investment Warning

I remember when the UK government was in a frenzy of selling off its national assets to individuals and companies, it advertised shares on the TV. One of the things in the vocal small-print at the end of those adverts was 'stocks and shares may go down as well as up.'

So it is with Disappearing - numbers may go up as well as down.
In my last post, I mentioned I was just a reaonable week's Disappearing away from returning to my lightest point on this run.

I also did mention that at that point, I hadn't HAD a reasonable week's Disappearing.

I went on to not have a reasonable week. Went out for fish and chips last night, followed up by cereal later, so certain was I that things were going to pot.

Pot this morning has me at 17st 11.75 - up a pound and a half.

Need to Do The Thing. Haven't Done The Thing.

The Thing Awaits.

Listened to the audiobook of The Martian by Andy Weir this week. That's a pretty good object lesson in Doing The Thing. Works on the principle that Not Doing The Thing means the planet on which you're standing gets to kill you.

That appears to be the case whether you're standing on Earth or Mars.

Right now, I'd be the version of Astronaut Mark Watney that dies on Sol 6. The one who doesn't even get up when he's left behind by his crew. #EpicThingDoingFail

I know what to do. Seriously, I do. Right now though, I'm a brain in a jar, steeping in nihilistic idiocy on almost every front, overthinking wildly. The irony of course being that I also know if I simply put a pin in that behaviour for a minute and Did The Thing - walked, for instance - my mood would naturally elevate, because hell, I'd be walking by the seaside, and that works for me. Part of me though wants to specifcially not do that. Pathetic, I know, but there it is. You know how it is - the notion that positive action is a force of creativity, keeping inevitable entropy at bay for just a while. Sometimes, the entropy is attractive.

lol wow, get a load of this fuckin' guy. From a pound and a half to inevitable entropy in a handful of paragraphs.

Laughing at myself now. Surely that has to be better than taking myself seriously?

Right. Fuck it. Weekly reset has me up. Let's Do The Motherfucking Thing.

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