Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Whether The Weather Be Wet...

I didn't go to Exeter today.

I know what you're thinking - there's nothing special about that. On balance, the majority of the people in the world didn't go to Exeter today.

Thing is, I was supposed to go and see the Met Office - the UK's weather forecasting agency (second largest such agency in the world). They have a supercomputer that they wanted to show to a bunch of journos. Everything was going well, then on Friday, I got a call.

"Hi Tony, this is Beki from the Met Office. You know you're supposed to be coming to see us on Tuesday?"
"Yyyyyeah," I said, wary at her tense.
"Yeah...erm...we've had to cancel the event...due to adverse weather conditions..."

Had a day of such unsubtle absurdity. Dad was supposed to be coming home from hospital today, after a  couple of units of bloos and a steroid shot. That didn't happen. Got the blood, but no steroids and no escape from the ward. While we were up with him the second time, he had a hypo, getting sweaty and grey and obstreporous. We called a nurse.

By coincidence, it was the nurse who, a couple of nights ago had come in to "borrow a bowl of water". A bowl of water which she'd then thrown over a colleague who was leaving. She came in and checked his blood sugar, which was down to 1.3. She gave him a couple of glasses of orange juice, and he came round quickly.
"Now," she said, "I'm gonna check on you in a bit, and if your blood sugar's high, I'll give you more juice..."

It took us a second of blinking to spot this...
"You mean if it's low, right?"
She thought about it.
"Right," she agreed.

Y'know, I meet a lot of Americans on Facebook who don't understand the wonder of socialised medicine - the concept of a service free at the point of need, underscored by the notion that those who can contribute to society do so, even though it's clearly understood that those they don't actively like will benefit.

I still think this is one of the top five ideas had by a British politician in the whole of history. Today though didn't do my argument any good.

As for the million-pound question - the idea of Not Eating Chips is clearly at least part of the way to go (anyone not know this to be true weeks ago?).
Weight today was: 16 stone 2.25.
That's a loss of 3.75 pounds in seven days. Happy to take that, but I have to tell you, that last quarter-pound is gonna bug me.

Thing is of course, I haven't done very much in the way of exercise all week. Did a short walk this morning, but nothing much this week except the walk with Ma on Sunday. Not sure what this week holds with Dad, so formalised exercise time might be tricky to get. Gotta be an early-morning-walk week. Up tomorrow at 6.30 for a proper walk - adverse weather conditions or not, damnit!

1 comment:

  1. You can be even more proud to remember the politician who thought it up was representing and was raised only 6 miles away from our town, Aneurin Bevan, of Tredegar.
