Monday, 8 August 2011

Mr Sunshine

OK, so let's get a couple of things straight. The blood is a thing of beauty right now - 5.0 dead this morning. Done, what's next?

Well, obviously, what's next is weightloss. Unnnfreakin'likely tomorrow, bottom line, next!

Gotta tellya, since this weekend just past, it's like someone put a nuclear explosion up my ass - but in a really good, Walkin' On Sunshine kinda way - I'm bursting with ideas, and plans, and projects, and stuff to do, and stuff to think of doing, and lists of what comes where and what, to coin a phrase, is next. Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, fun fun fun fun fun! It's pretty much a Tigger day.

So what are the plans? Stephen Moffatt would undoubtedly say..."Spoilers!" If I told you everything all in one rush a) there'd be no surprises left, and our relationship would grow dull and sour, b) I'd be talking twenty-seven to the dozen, and you'd shoot me in the ass with a tranquiliser dart or stick me full of Ritalin, and cart me off to a nice quiet place for a severe eating and a lie-down. But good plans, fun plans, massively, massively exciting plans.

try and ignore all that, as I tell you that yeah, I'm back on track and back into my discipline as of today. Yes of course it'll come too late to make a spectacular difference for tomorrow, but hopefully, by next week, my system, which will presumably have grown a bit relaxed and sluggish over the last few weeks, will have had itself a bit of a shock, and straightened up and started to fly right again. So - even though I'm not gonna have lost anything tomorrow, this feels like a positive day. It's kinda like that comedy sketch where a parachutist jumps out of a plane, pulls his chord, and.....nothing. Nothing...And more nothing. He starts scrabbling, pulling anything he can, and nothing, and nothing, and still more nothing happens. In the sketch version, he kinda shrugs, and then pulls out a cigar, lights it up, and chuckles as he plummets to a sticky, messy oblivion. Feels like that, except after scrabbling, and scrabbling, and scrabbling, I feel like I found my rip-chord this weekend, and I'm now floating sweetly down to Earth.

Yeah, I know - much less funny, but look at my smiley, manic face and ask me if I care.

On we go - on to the weigh-in and then on to more sunshine.

Oh, and one extra note - thanks to those who responded to my ring dilemma yesterday. d nodded when I told her about the ring-on-a-chain solution, then disappeared for a minute. When she came back, she had a ring in her hand. I blinked. It was like an earlier evolution of my wedding ring, and actually, that's what it was - it was my engagement ring - the same style, in a different metal, with a different stone.

Fit like a glove.

1 comment:

  1. Well glad you found a solution :) and glad the motivation is back too!
