Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Well, let's see - good news is: we're all still alive. That's some primo, A-grade, 100% pure good news, given the alternative. More good news - blood is 5.2 today, so holding steady in the low 5s, high-to-middling 4s. Blood control - cracked. I appreciate you don't give a rat's ass about this, but I also finally finished Chapman's Iliad this morning, which, enjoyable though it genuinely is, is pretty good news for me. Just can't stand Achilles, and the damn fool does go onnnn about his impending death, so hopefully, relatively early in the Odyssey, I can kiss goodbye to his whiny ass.

Of course, last night was what's been described as a 'simmering' night in London, while other major cities (ironically including some whose police forces were away last night, defending the bejeesus out of London!) went up in flames. There's very little palpable sense of this whole 'looting and rioting' gig being over and done with. It's more like the looters are sitting there, going "Now whaddaya got?"

Given that every single politician who got up to speak yesterday was heckled within an inch of their career, and that Parliament's been recalled for tomorrow, there may still be hatches to be battened down this week.

But me? I'm not worrying.
I'll tell you why, shall I? I mean, while we're here?
Heard my pal and colleague Sally-Anne (the Disappearing Woman of previous posts), talking about an experience she'd had. Apparently, 'several' personal trainers she's had or known have told her that if you obsess about weightloss, your body goes into 'stress mode', and you end up losing nothing.

Now, knowing Sally-Anne's potentially obsessive nature, it's possible this is horseshit, but good advice nevertheless. The thing is, it could well also be good advice for me. Certainly, I've found that occasionally, weeks when I obsessed less, I still made pleasing losses (having still put in the work, of course). Also of course, there have been weeks of pure demented Dark Side obsession that have proved ultimately futile and fruitless.

So this is me, saying "Whatever," re-banning myself from weighing except on Tuesdays, and trying to skip lightly through life, doing the work, but de-stressing, dissolving the obsession, just, essentially, doing it.

At least in theory, should be a pleasanter ride. Still wanna come along?

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