Thursday 27 June 2024

The Chihuahua Factor


Ahhh, there it is.

I've been waiting for the irritability to kick in since we started this project.

It arrived today, like a calorifically-driven period. 

The urge to eat everything in sight, and the corresponding urge to fall asleep unless there's something on which to graze, is feeding in to my mentality, and possibly d's too  here, I won't speak for her.

That jittery sense of "What do you do with your hands?" - coupled with the first actual instances of ongoing hunger (despite, let the record show, having a decent breakfast - oatmeal, eggs, toast), has made me jittery and snappy as a freakin' chihuahua all day.

Like most chihuahuas, I've gone about the place today snarling like I want to turn my face inside out and snapping at everything that moves, largely as retribution to the cruel fate that has been dealt me.

Yes, of course that was hyperbole, but you know I'm a drama queen. 

Had to take a power nap at one point, partly because screens, workloads, last-but-one day in the job with everything to do, but also, mostly, because I was sick of the stream of mental venom coursing through my brain.

Of course, the heat doesn't help.

The tourists definitely don't help - may possibly have snarled out loud at one or two this morning. It's one of those "Did I think that, or did I say that?" moments where I can't actually be sure.

And then of course, there's the most batshit election of modern times, just ready to ladle on the desire to burn everyone in the face at a moment's notice. Twitter's awash with Reform-bots, it's really quite demented. 

So all in all, there are plenty of external stimuli to my "Touch me and die" mood. But I've been this way before, so I'm trying to allow the chemical and behavioural changes their due too.

In progressive news, the new "Extreme Urgent" appointment d's been waiting for, and getting stressed about in the middle of a Vodafone no-service maintenance work week (Thanks for that, V!) has come through - Wednesday morning in Carmarthen. So that's us going to stay overnight in the town Tuesday. 

That'll be slightly odd - most of the reasons we love going to Carmarthen are food-related or food-adjacent. Interesting to see what we do there in this new reality.

But it's beginning to look prophetic that I took next week off between jobs, ostensibly to write and revise the novel I have to finish for publication. Funny how things work out, eh?

Right - I'm away to determinedly not claw holes in the couch.

1 comment:

  1. May I recommend downloading Happy Color? The “arts” ones and mosaic ones take AGES and are quite hard to put down. Yes, there are annoying ads. But they don’t last long and it’s a free app.

    I will be six years sober in October. I credit this app with helping me get through the first month!!
